FYI. This is forwarded to ODV without verifying the veracity of what is claimed. 73, Dick ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Rick Paquette <w7rap.rick@gmail.com>Subject: Re: Spectrum issues-Federal register-inconsistencies Steve: Your message has been forwarded to Dick Norton. Rick Paquette W7RAP ARRL Section Manager Arizona W7RAP@ARRL.Org(520) 425-6877 On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 2:13 PM SteveB <eagle572@comcast.net> wrote: RE: 3 GHz band I notice that the FCC publication on the Federal Register Dec 18 2019 has a title regarding "band sharing". However, the contents on the actual published item 3 (WTB) shows that Amateur radio operation on the 3 GHz band is proposed to be removed entirely , not shared. Also, other FCC statements claim that non - federal users are "unnecessary". Since hams are federally licensed, why are we considered unnecessary? Just an update--Steve Bell KJ7OG