I thought this email received by Bob Allison was worth sharing with the board as a reminder of the importance of supporting all of the many & varied interests in amateur radio.
Rod, K0DAS

From: Thomas Cathey <>
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2020 4:14 PM
To: Allison, Bob, WB1GCM <>
Subject: Today I joined the ARRL again... 

Hi Bob -

I want to let you know what a great job you and the people involved in the AM Rally did!  What a success. I was so impressed by the ARRL’s overall support for the event that I became a member again. Please tell upper management to keep it going and AMer support for the League will pay big dividends over time.
After years of anti-AM sentiment by the “old guard” (now mostly gone)  I’m pleased to see the League embracing the mode again. It’s been several years now of good AM press so you have stood the test of time.

I will be doing some posts encouraging others to renew their memberships as well as talking it up on the airwaves.

BTW, Ed Hare, W1RFI  was my first novice CW contact in 1964. We became buddies back then. Tell him WN1DGK says “hi”  to WN1CYF (The Kid) and that he has done an impressive job as ARRL Lab Mgr over the last 30? years.  Ham Radio has played a big role in many of our lives.

73 and all the best,

Tom Cathey, K1JJ
Marlborough, CT