President Harrison has asked me to forward this report to you. In the future we will forward them regularly.
I have been sending draft emails for directors to send to members in specific Congressional districts that are on the future visitation list. So far the response from members is modest but positive.
Dave Sumner, K1ZZ

First 90-day plan update:


Feb 13-24


We had the 90-day briefing just last week with everyone here in DC, followed by some early meetings.  This past week has delivered three more House meetings and our first two Senate meetings.  There were visitations for offices not on our targeted list, as well, yet still had letters from their district.  Below are summaries from the House meetings.



If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office.



Eric Heis

Legislative Assistant

Chwat & Company, Inc.

625 Slaters Lane, Suite 103

Alexandria, VA 22314

(P) 703.684.7703


(F) 703.684.7594