First 90-day plan
We had the 90-day
briefing just last week with everyone here in DC, followed by some early
meetings. This past week has delivered three more House meetings and our
first two Senate meetings. There were visitations for offices not on our
targeted list, as well, yet still had letters from their district. Below
are summaries from the House meetings.
- Rep. Bilirakis’ (FL-9) office was knowledgeable of
ARRL and the BPL situation and is interested in learning more. A side
note is that Rep. Bilirakis is retiring come November.
- Joel and I visited Rep. Mike
Ross’ (AR-4) office and had a very good
meeting. This included the affirmation of ARRL’s efforts on the Hill and
personally delivering letters to the Congressman’s hands to emphasize this
fact (a feat not often achieved) .
- Rep. Gillmor’s (OH-5) office expressed interest and will
get back to us.
- Rep. Upton’s (MI-6) office said they would study the issue
in depth and asked for more materials, as I mentioned the “Communications
Daily” article.
- Rep. Ed Markey’s (MA-7) office staff member was not
aware of ARRL and it was an informative meeting. We intend to return,
perhaps to meet with a senior staff member.
- Rep. Whitfield’s (KY-1) staffer knew a lot
about Amateur Radio and Spectrum so we had a talk and left all of our
information. We will continue to concentrate on the 88
office plan and already have meetings scheduled with 2nd round
House members. Letters are still coming in for first week visitations,
but we are a bit short on 2nd week
If you have any
questions, please feel free to contact our office.
Eric Heis
Legislative Assistant
Chwat & Company,
625 Slaters Lane, Suite
Alexandria, VA 22314
(F) 703.684.7594