Hello Ria, Dick, et al,
The memo sent June 1st indicate those candidates who were progressing in the
process, The Committee decided not to re-send the list on June 4th since no
further decisions were possible since the second set of interviews had not been
completed. In fact the last set of interviews had not been completed until the
end of June. That list of candidates did proceed in the process at that point in
the selection process, nothing in that memo should have led one to believe that
the finalist were to be selected by the 4th of June.
The first established plan of the Committee had been to conduct the in-person
interviews in Windsor Locks at the Marriott Hotel in the week prior to the Board Meeting.
Reservations were made and locations at the Hotel identified for that process. In fact
those interviews would have taken place next week, It was necessary to cancel the
plan for the date and place of that meeting when it also became necessary to change
the method of the Board meeting from an in-person meeting "in Newington" to a
all remote Board Meeting.
The minutes of the last meeting will clarify the process, but I will not comment
until the Committee approves the meeting minutes following the meeting tomorrow
Thursday 7/9 and only after approval of the CEO Search Committee.
Thank You,
73, Kermit W9XA