Greetings. In response to overwhelming demand, and given the great benevolence of the Board in allowing the ARRL-LAS projectionist and ace Atlantic Division Vice Director Bill Edgar to actually attend a meeting of the Board, there will be a meeting and conference of the ARRL-LAS convening on Friday night after dinner (unless preempted by mundane work, of course, at the discretion of an officer or some other fun-killer) in the Board room.

The topic of the conference will be discussion of two highly stimulating and sophisticated videos presented in digital quality from DVD masters. The first, which is firm (you gotta see this), will be a WWII vintage movie, provided courtesy of retired FCC staffer and noted Washington ham John Reiser, entitled "Patrolling the Ether". This was a serious short subject video featuring ham radio and its role in detection of radio espionage in the United States. It has been described by at least one person as the "Reefer Madness" of Ham Radio and FCC Enforcement. Pre-screening of this video resulted in "two thumbs up".

The additional video discussion topic is still fluid. It will likely include the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, which is thought provoking, dealing with daily life situations, though it may be perhaps less humorous since the recent onset of ARRL Prohibition.

There are other alternative video offerings, however, and any member of ARRL-LAS is strongly encouraged to suggest such. No criticism will be levied on any suggestion, nor will laughing in the face of the submitter or other derogatory inferences or audible body-assisted evaluations be permitted. The Society will, as usual, operate on a consensus basis.

All are welcome, whether regular members or not. Spitting is not permitted in the conference area during the conference. Afterward, well, whatever.

73, Chris W3KD