Ladies and Gentlemen

    Our legislative efforts have born fruit. At our request Rep. Debbie Lesko (AZ-8) filed the Symbol Rate bill, HR 9664,  yesterday.

    Rep. Lesko's press release is enclosed. A copy of the page confirming the filing is also enclosed; the actual page is located at

    A copy of the Bill is enclosed.

    David Minster will be issuing a statement/press release on behalf of the ARRL later. BEFORE you make any public statements or share this information with your Members, please wait until David has published the League's press release on this matter.

    If you have questions, please ask.

    Since HR 9664 and Rep. Lesko's press release are now public information, discussion of this legislation is no longer embargoed — after David has published the League's press release.

    BUT, and this is a VERY IMPORTANT BUT: DO NOT take the opportunity to bash, denigrate or slander the FCC in any discussions, emails or newsletters. It remains our hope that the FCC will act without the necessity of Congress enacting the Bill. With the filing of this Bill, FCC Counsel David Siddall has the opportunity to work with the FCC to persuade it to act prior to and without the passage of HR 9664.

    Speaking ill of the FCC is unwise and potentially counterproductive. We should not lose sight of the fact that we are still attempting to persuade both the FCC and Congress to retain our secondary status in the 3 GHz band. Dampening the FCC's blue suede shoes is not beneficial to the goal of being chosen as the FCC's Prom date.

    Thanks, besides to Rep. Lesko,  for this result should be given to Tom Abernethy, Lee H. Cooper, Fred Hopengarten, David Siddall and to Matt Keelen with The Vogel Group.



John Robert Stratton



West Gulf Division

Office:             512-445-6262

Cell:                512-426-2028

P.O. Box 2232

Austin, Texas 78768-2232

