I suspect that the thrust is TV receiver standards, since TV receivers limit what the FCC can do on unused TV channels (of which there are fewer since DTV transition began) without interference. We will see. I should also note that Paul Rinaldo's office, and specifically Jon Siverling, is working on the background on this matter so that some recommendations for you folks can be made on a timely basis. Jon is due in my office next Tuesday to review our past filings on interference rejection standards and implementation of the Communications Amendments Act of 1982, which gave FCC (for the first time) jurisdiction over interference susceptibility of home electronic equipment (HEE). Those of you with tenure on the Board will recall our ill-fated filing in the mid-1980s in which we asked for warning labels on HEE in a petition for rule making, and our FCC sources told us that FCC was shopping the petition among the staff looking for reasons to bury it without so much as an RM number. And that is exactly what they did. Doubtless, Jon Siverling, being tenacious, will have some recommendations for you in this proceeding at the appropriate time, and we will, if you all agree, file timely comments. 73, Chris W3KD