15 OCT 2015 - 2153 CDT I returned from my latest capital hill legislative mission early this afternoon and I'm still digging through a large pile of 270+ filtered email messages. It will probably take me about two days to respond to those messages that require one. In two days I talked with staff members in a mix of 20 Senators' and Representatives' offices. I also dropped off Amateur Radio Parity Act Literature and my ARRL business card at the offices of both (currently non-responsive) Illinois Senators. Thanks to an email posting by Brian Mileshosky that provides the URL for the Community Associations Institute (CAI) website, I have learned a bit more about our political opponents as follows: 1. Virtually all the registrants for the upcoming CAI congressional effort opposing HR 1309 and SR 1685 are real estate sales organizations, lawyers providing services to RE sales organizations, homeowner association management companies, and various suppliers of goods and services to homeowners associations. Very few of the registrants are HOA members. It appears to me that CAI represents the groups making money from residential real estate rather than the actual owners of said real estate. 2. CAI membership is in the 64,000 range, but there is no description of this membership. Are they individuals? or HOAs? I suspect CAI membership is a people headcount. 3. CAI states it is active in several other areas of the world. 4. CAI's audited 2014 assets are a bit less than 2 million dollars. 5. As many of you already know, CAI leadership is either ignorant, dishonest, or both, in their descriptions of the alleged Amateur Radio danger to the HOA world. As soon as I correlate TKG-supplied notes on my latest series of capital hill visits with my notes, I plan to post the data to TKG and ODV. - Dick Isely, W9GIG