Vol. 33, No. 39
September 29, 2010 -- Covers the period September 19-25.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)
September 27-October 1 – ARRL HQ
Executive Committee Meeting
October 23 @ 9:00am in St. Louis, MO
Programs & Services Committee:
November 13 @ 8:30am – ARRL HQ
Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections
November 19 in Newington, CT
Administration &Finance Committee
November 20 @ 8:30am – ARRL HQ
Web Site: Fathom and the ARRL IT staff continue to work on assuring that the Club pages are fully functional and accurate. The Club search function was fixed. The formatting on some of the fields in the club data has also been improved and information on club updates are now functionally properly using the same process as the old Web site. All club updates in the queue have now been processed.
The pages for distance learning course mentors and instructors were restored to fully functionality this week.
Media & Public Relations
Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP
Orientation weekend for the new Section Managers was a lot of fun! This was a very positive and exciting group. An unfortunate ARES related incident in Akron which might have had major PR consequences is being handled quietly and very well by the local EC, N8LJM, who happily has a news background and knows the ropes. But we will continue to monitor that situation closely. There has been more than the usual amount of discussion on the PR email reflector lately – all of it good ideas on promotional options. A new Now Hear This audio was posted, a template release that PIOs can use for SET drills has been sent out and CONTACT! for October has been written and will be posted by Oct 1. Work on the equipment recommendations for in-house video options has been completed and turned in thanks to input from many staff, professional video producers, news videographers and members. Contact with Jack Brown of Microwaves and RF regarding a posting on his blog has resulted in a happy resolution. I have seen (and helped edit) the editorial he is about to publish in his magazine plus ARRL has been invited to aid in creating an upcoming article about how hams have been a keystone in the development of microwave technology in the past 50 years.
Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH
Development revenue from all sources has reached $692,540 for the year or 69% of the goal of $1,118, 291. The next three months will be critical to completing 2010 on target.
The ARRL Diamond Club revenues have reached $187,315 or 71% of the 2010 goal of $263,000. A second major mail campaign will released by September 30 to all lapsed and active (up for renewal) Diamond Club Members to encourage renewals. The letters will include the installment giving option and the annual ARRL calendar offer for contributions of $100 by December 31.
The Spectrum Defense Fund has reached $129,925 or 40% of its 2010 goal of $325,000. Production of the second issue of the Spectrum Defense Matters newsletter is complete and has been released to the printer/mail house. This issue will be mailed to 32,000 donors by October 8. At that time donors who have opted to receive the newsletter electronically will receive their copy. Ten days after the mailing, the newsletter will be posted on the Spectrum Defense Fund section of ARRL website and an email will be sent to members via the bulk email process. The third issue of the newsletter is scheduled to mail at the end of November – in time for yearend giving.
The mail campaign for the Education & Technology Fund has generated $26,524 or 44% of the 2010 goal of $60,000.
The W1AW Endowment campaign has reached $74,838 in revenue, well over the 2010 goal of $65,000.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
Steve Ford discussed the amateur satellites and digital communications at a USTTI course session.
Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter and voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for September 23, 2010.
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Thanks to everyone who helped welcome the five new Section Managers who were in town for the 2010 Section Managers’ Workshop. Steve Ewald, Chuck Skolaut and Leona Adams of the Field Organization Team coordinated the event. The Section Managers participated in training sessions and discussions that were conducted by staff. In addition, they met staff members throughout the day on Friday and were able to tour the facilities at Headquarters. Some operating time at W1AW was also scheduled for late Saturday afternoon.
Leona has been keeping the Field Services data base up to date with new appointments, cancellations, and information changes. She also reports that the Mailroom staff sent out Section Manager election ballots and candidate statements via the postal service to members in Missouri, South Carolina and Western Pennsylvania on Thursday, September 23.
The nomination period is now open for the International Humanitarian Award, and the announcement was distributed to various sources. Several cases of repeaters interfering with another were received and are being followed up on. Support was given to a California Official Observer who is providing information for an on-going case. Several FCC actions were noted this week, and they are addressing a number of complaints that had been received. Questions dealing with frequency allocation, identification, emissions on the bands, and interference to a net were addressed. Also, a report of an Over the Horizon Radar on 17 meters was received and tentatively identified as being from Cyprus.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Staff Absentee List
All Staff 11/25-11/26 Holiday
Joe Carcia 10/5 Vacation
Mike Corey 10/8-10/16 GAREC Conference, Curacao/Vacation
`` 10/31-11/4 IAEM Conference, San Antonio, TX
`` 11/17 NPSTC Meeting, Washington, DC
Scott Gee 10/4 Vacation
Mike Gruber 9/27-10/1 Vacation
Dan Henderson 9/24-10/3 Ten-Tec Hamfest,(TN)/W4DXCC/SEDCO/Vacation
`` 10/13-10/19 Pacificon, San Ramon, CA/Beale AFB
`` 11/12-11/16 Indiana State Convention, Ft. Wayne, IN/Vacation
Mary Hobart 10/1 Vacation
`` 10/15-10/16 Pacificon, San Ramon, CA
`` 10/22 Vacation
`` 10/29 Vacation
`` 11/5-11/8 Georgia State Convention, Lawrenceville, GA
Bob Inderbitzen 9/30-10/4 UK National Hamfest/RSGB
Debra Johnson 10/1-10/10 Vacation
Khrystyne Keane 10/22 Vacation
`` 10/29 Vacation
Joel Kleinman 10/26 Vacation
Harold Kramer 10/8-10/10 Florida State Convention, Melbourne, FL
Maryann Macdonald Sick Leave
Brennan Price 9/27-10/1 USTTI AR Administration Course, Newington, CT
`` 10/8-10/10 AMSAT Symposium, Elk Grove IL
Steve Sant Andrea 10/15 Vacation
`` 10/18 Vacation
Dave Sumner 9/30-10/9 IARU R2 Conference/AC Meeting, El Salvador
`` 10/22pm-10/24 Executive Committee Meeting, St. Louis , MO