15 MAR, 2002 - 1200 CST George, thanks for the tip on MailWasher. I plan to add it to my arsenal of anti-SPAM software. As for the Nigerian SPAM that keeps flowing, it's not flowing here anymore. Several weeks ago, I started archiving this crap and two days ago I went through them and did a search on the originating IP addresses. I found exact matches in most of the messages. I suspect that these IP addresses change over time and I will have to update my Eudora filters. But it's nice to no longer see the 3 to 6 "URGENT Etc." SPAM emails every day. For those who are interested the current "hot" Nigerian IP addresses are: It does not matter if these are valid IP addresses or not. What matters is that you can set your software to dump them from your ISP's email server and to send them to your trash can without ever having to see them. 73 - Dick