Thanks for the reply. I understand that they can’t “take back” what they’ve already done, but they can remove the logos from anything they still have on the web, including the stored newsletter if it’s still available to view online.
I would also be loath to grant future access to our logos for this product. The reasons are simple, and in many ways mirror the issues we dealt with over the DX Engineering proposal vis-à-vis the ARRL Lab. Additionally, the use of remote operations for DXCC credit is a very hot button topic. As many members are for it as against it, and the largest concerns from members deal with the commercialization of remote operations. I’m not arguing the merits, just reminding you (us) that to allow the use of our logos in future advertising for this product will create more bad-will than we need.
I’d be interested in hearing what others on the Board have to say about this.
73 de Mike N2YBB
discussion with Chris, we told them that, like any other party, they had
to ask permission to use the DXCC logo or any of our other trademarks.
Chris provided us with specific language that any party who uses the logos now
needs to use . Here it is: The ARRL diamond logo, "QST" and "DXCC" are
registered trademarks of the American Radio Relay League, Incorporated and are
used by permission.” Deb Jahnke will also be sending this information to
all of our advertisers.
RemoteHamRadio cannot take back their
newsletter, but they will need to ask permission in the future and we will
evaluate their request on a case by case basis.
recommended that we also add the ® symbol to the DXCC logo and that
other parties who use the logo do the same. Based on that recommendation,
we are in the process of adding this symbol to our web pages and other
material. For example, you will now notice it here : https://p1kexternal.arrl.org/onlinedxcc/
Harold Kramer,
ARRL Chief
Operating Officer
860 594
From: Lisenco, Mike (DIR,
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 10:44 AM
Kramer, Harold, WJ1B; arrl-odv
Subject: Logo
What is the status of
the logo usage by RHR? Have they been told to stop?
73 de Mike