
    Stay safe.

    As to GoKits, it has been our position that almost all of them should be prepositioned across known disaster/impact zones, because when the East Coast gets hit, access to Newington is lost. Equipment that can't move is not equipment — it is junk.

    Hoarding emergency supplies in one location is simply poor operational planning.

    We have money to upgrade/modify the existing kits (some of them were not complete at last inspection) and money to purchase new HF or VHF/UHF equipment to create new kits, if need be. People have donated money for this purpose and it is a sin to sit on the money — it will not hatch and at a 1% maximum return it is better used to provision our ARES operation for the future.

    If we need more money, then we need to raise it. We have Members and industry sources that will assist.

    The issue of the GoKits can be addressed after we dig out from underneath Sandy, but it is time this issue should be resolved. We either are an EmComm resource with an ability to respond or we are poseurs.



           John Robert Stratton       

                 West Gulf Division

                      Vice Director

                West Gulf Division

             Legislative Action Chair

       Office telephone:    512-445-6262
       Cell:                         512-426-2028
                      PO Box 2232
            Austin, Texas 78768-2232


On 10/29/12 11:19 AM, Joyce Birmingham wrote: --