At 05:07 PM 8/2/2017, G Widin wrote:
In the Discussion of motion
"Frenaye #2" from the July Board meeting, it says:
See email below sent to LoTW chairman K0GW in January, and again in
June, but not forwarded to nor reviewed by the LoTW
This statement is incorrect. As the chronology below indicates, I
replied immediately to K1KI both in January and June. In addition,
his January e-mail was forwarded to the committee immediately in January
and resulted in extended discussion, several messages of which we also
forwarded to K1KI.
Per Minute 34, we will ensure that the Logbook Study Committee visits the
topic of callsign matching again, and generates useful guidance to
However, it is not true, as Frenaye claims, that I and the LSC did not
consider or respond to his e-mails. I have asked Mr. Frenaye to
clarify this to the Board, but since he apparently will not do so, I must
correct the false accusation in his motion.
Thanks for the corrections Greg. I'm looking forward to
working with the LoTW committee and the PSC on this. I
offered the motion because I felt that the LoTW response did not
sufficiently address the concerns expressed in my memo from
January. I was expecting more and the e-mails you forwarded
to me then seemed like preliminary responses. Then there was
nothing reported after the LoTW meeting in January so I assumed it was
still under study.
As I noted at the Board meeting, the question of confirmations is not
just how LoTW handles them, it is why we handle confirmations differently
in different programs. Confirmations should be driven by how
we want to set the rules (that is a program decision[Radiosport Dept, and
PSC], not an IT decision) and be clearly communicated to members.
The IT "stuff" is easy when the specifications are defined...
Thanks for keeping an open mind.
-- Tom
e-mail chronology. Dates are 2017.
Jan 14 9:15 PM--Frenaye to Widin--Message attached to Frenaye #2
Jan 15 7:14 AM--Widin to Frenaye, CC: Logbook Study Committee--Reply
Jan 15 2:14 PM--Bernstein to Widin and Frenaye, CC: Logbook Study
Jan 16 8:54 AM--Widin to Frenaye--Copy of response from Keane
Jun 30 11:54 AM--Frenaye to Widin--Never heard back in January
Jun 30 2:23 PM--Widin to Frenaye--Reply and summary of January
Jul 26 11:34 AM--Widin to Frenaye--Responses did occur in January
[other January copies re-sent to Frenaye]
Jul 29 4:15 PM--Frenaye to Widin--Help doc'n on LoTW too brief
Jul 29 5:52 PM--Widin to Frenaye--Please correct no-response allegation
in Frenaye #2.
Tom Frenaye, P O Box J, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: