Thanks Richard; those numbers are exactly what I needed. 73, Jim
From: Richard J. Norton []
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 1:35 PM
To: Northwestern Div. Director <>
Cc: arrl-odv <>
Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:25658] Membership Applications from Hamfests
Members fill out application blank, fill out the part with their credit card information if they are using a credit card, they select a book as a membership hamfest or convention premium, and present either cash or a check if not using a credit card. All books are given out at the event. Essentially none are mailed from Newington.
Cash is counted, and a check for that amount is sent with the application forms to Newington.
The split between credit cards and cash varies. In a mostly-swapmeet event, if some people haven't spent all their cash, they come by and renew ARRL membership with what's left.
There are people who seemingly do not use credit cards and prefer to pay with cash.
Breakdown from some recent events:
Event Cash Credit-Cards Checks
convention 1 31 79 15
convention 2 5 11 0
hamfest 1 6 8 1
hamfest 2 7 4 5
Total 49 102 21
Dick, N6AA
On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 9:56 AM, Northwestern Div. Director <> wrote:
Good Morning all:
Would you take some time to give me a little information on how you sign up new/renewed memberships at Hamfests where ARRL Staff is not using their credit card ‘square’ program:
What is your estimate of cash for membership fees verses individuals using a credit card?
For credit card new/renew membership applications, do you ever use online method? (using the Join/Renew button on the ARRL homepage)
Thanks for your help
73 and good Hamming
Jim Pace, K7CEX
ARRL the National Association for Amateur Radio
Northwestern Division
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