There’s a typo in this report. Glenn Johnson’s call sign is W0GJ.


Dave K1ZZ



From: [] On Behalf Of Kustosik, Lisa, KA1UFZ
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 10:05 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:21747] IN-News




Microsoft Word Picture

Vol. 36, No. 24

June 12, 2013  --   Covers the period June 2-8.


Upcoming Meetings and Events

Vice Director Orientation

July 17 in Newington, CT

Administration & Finance Committee

July 18 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT

Programs & Services Committee

July 18 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT

Annual Board Meeting

July 19-20, 2013 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT


Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD

Development is also pleased to welcome our newest Maxim Society Members:  #126 is Frank Fallon, N2FF, #127 is Richard Battles, WB4BYQ, #128 is Andrew Forsyth, AF3I, and #129 is , E. Glenn Wolf, N5RN.

ARRL received the proceeds of a bequest from the estate of Tex K. Monroe, KJ4DU, of Deltona, Florida.  Mr. Monroe died on July 15, 2012 at the age of 62.  In a will dated less than three weeks earlier he left 40% of his estate, after some lump sum distributions, to the ARRL.

CEO Sumner and COD Hobart attended an ARRL Second Century Campaign event in Minneapolis MN on Saturday evening, June 8.  The reception was attended by about 30 prospective donors.  The event was organized by Maxim Society member Scott Wright, KØMD with the assistance of SCC Committee member Glenn Johnson, KØGJ, Dakota division Director Greg Widin, KØGW and ARRL International Vice President Jay bellows, KØQB.  The messages about the second Century Campaign were well-received and follow up information was mailed to 10 individuals who either attended the event or had been invited.

The monthly financial report for the Second Century campaign has been distributed to the ARRL Board.  As of May 31, 2013 the campaign has received $5,175 million in gifts and commitments toward the $10 million campaign goal.


Membership & Volunteer Programs

Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N


Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time        6 Weeks
Logbook Processing Time 3-5 Business Days      

Field Organization/Public Service Team

One radio amateur from North Texas completed requirements to become an Official Observer this past week.  An Over the Horizon Radar signal was heard on 17 meters.  Orange Section Official Observers located the source of 6 meter interference locally, and the information was passed on to the FCC for follow up.  Updated information was received regarding jamming occurring on 75 meters in California.  Regional OOs have been asked to monitor to verify complaints about a station causing a number of problems on 20 meters.

Information was received about the FCC following up on a complaint of interference to the amateur bands caused by a pool pump.  The Intruder Watch reported receiving weather FAX information just inside the 20 meter band from a US station.  The station was informed and the situation was resolved.  Chuck Skolaut compiled the monthly Intruder Watch report and forwarded it to the IARU Region 2 coordinator.

Leona Adams has been working with the Section Managers to update their Field appointees’ information in the main data base and to incorporate new appointments or cancellations as needed.  Travel expense reporting among the Section Leaders has picked up recently since the popular season for hamfests and conventions is now underway.

Steve Ewald worked on updating resources on the ARRL Web site including the reporting forms and guidelines for the 2013 Simulated Emergency Test.  The main focal point weekend for the ARRL SET this year will be October 5- 6.

Now that the June 7 receipt deadline for Section Manager nominating petitions has passed, we know that there will not be any balloted elections this summer for terms of office beginning on October 1, 2013.

West Virginia will be getting a new Section Manager in the fall.  Charles Hardy, Jr., WV8CH, of Fayetteville, was the only nominee.  He is currently the Section Traffic Manager, an Emergency Coordinator, and a District Emergency Coordinator.  Current West Virginia SM Ann Rinehart, KA8ZGY, decided not to run for another term of office.  She has been Section Manager since October 2005.

The following incumbent Section Managers were declared elected to new terms of office beginning October 1.  In each case, they were the only nominees to submit petitions to run for their respective offices: Jack Ciaccia, WM0G, Colorado; Mark Tharp, KB7HDX, Eastern Washington; Gene Clark, W4AYK, Georgia; David Greenhut, N6HD, Los Angeles; Ron Murdock, Sacramento Valley; Bill Hillendahl, KH6GJV, San Francisco; Lee Cooper, W5LHC, South Texas; Monte Simpson, K2MLS, Western Washington.


Sincerely Compiled by,

Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ

Assistant to the CEO


Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations

All Staff               7/4             Holiday

Leona Adams             7/5-7/12        PTO

Joe Carcia              6/28            PTO

   ``                   7/1-7/5         PTO

    ``                  7/12            PTO

    ``                  7/19            PTO

    ``                  7/26            PTO

Scott Gee               6/21-6/26       PTO

Mike Gruber             6/21            PTO

    ``                  8/26-8/30       PTO

Mary Hobart             7/18-7/20       Committee Meeting / Board Meeting

Gail Iannone            6/28-7/5        PTO

Bob Inderbitzen 6/25-7/3        Friedrichshafen Convention, Germany/PTO

Harold Kramer           7/18-7/20       Committee Meeting / Board Meeting

Lisa Kustosik           7/5             PTO

     ``                 7/18pm-7/20     Board Meeting

Sean Kutzko             6/27-6/30       Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Estes Park, CO

Zack Lau                7/1-7/5         PTO

Diane Petrilli          6/21            PTO

      ``                        7/5             PTO

      ``                        8/5-8/9         PTO

Barry Shelley           7/18-7/20       Committee Meeting / Board Meeting

Dave Sumner             6/21            PTO

      ``                        6/27-6/30       Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Estes Park, CO

      ``                        7/3-7/7         RSGB Centenary, Bedford, England

     ``                 7/12            PTO (WRTC test)

     ``                 7/18-7/20       Committee Meeting / Board Meeting

      ``                        7/26-7/30       Central States VHF Conference, Elk Grove Village, IL

      ``                        8/2-8/3         Great Lakes Division Convention, Columbus, OH

      ``                        8/21-9/8        PTO

       ``                       9/20-9/28       IARU Region 2 Conference, Cancun, Mexico