Gary - Do you think ARRL should file (late) comments? I have to say that at the ARRL Maine State Convention last weekend I got quite a number of positive comments from ARRL members about our service to file applications for members (for free). A whole lot of people (not just Mac folks) are really unhappy with the FCC because their online system is such a pain in the you know what. -- Tom
The FCC is working on ways to improve its electronic licensing systems, and is seeking "customer insight into the electronic licensing experience." The Commission wants to hear your electronic licensing system experience, including filing a licensing application, customer assistance available for licensing systems, availability of application status, look and feel of Internet filing, CDBS issues and any other topics important to you concerning FCC licensing systems.
Comments are due to <Syscomments@fcc.gov> by March 28.
At 07:01 PM 4/1/2002 -0500, Gary Johnston wrote:
FCC forces Ham radio operators to use Windows
Applying for or renewing an amateur radio license? If you ain't using Microsoft Windows, fugetaboutit.
Summary 'Linux? Step to the back of the bus, please. This section is reserved for Windows users only.' That's the message everyone but Microsoft Windows users get when they wish to do more than browse the FCC's Web site. Ironic that an agency bearing the name 'communications' does such a lousy job of it. (1,200 words)
===== e-mail: k1ki@arrl.org ARRL New England Division Director http://www.arrl.org/ Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box J, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444