Because Mary Hobart is on vacation this week it falls to me to advise you that yesterday the ARRL received the proceeds of a bequest from the estate of Tex K. Monroe, KJ4DU, of Deltona, Florida. Mr. Monroe died on July 15,2012 at the age of 62. In a will dated less than three weeks earlier he left 40% of his estate, after some lump sum distributions, to the ARRL. Mr. Monroe's prior contributions to the ARRL totaled just $15, made to the Spectrum Defense Fund in 1996. The ARRL's share of his bequest amounts to $776,713.73. The bequest is unrestricted, and in accordance with Board policy will be added to Board Designated Endowment Funds. It will not be counted toward the fundraising goal of the Second Century Campaign. David Sumner, K1ZZ Chief Executive Officer