The intent of this motion is to provide Directors more freedom in how they choose to utilize their Division budgets to best represent and interact with their members and fulfill their duties. This motion would allow for travel to Hamvention and for spending
additional time at Headquarters.
In my own situation, my available time to attend hamfests is limited. I am likely to encounter a far greater number of my Division members at Hamvention than I am at most of the hamfests held within my Division. Further, there is no equivalent to the Hamvention
Donor Banquet held within my Division.
As to Headquarters, unless a Director is on the A&F they only have an opportunity to go to headquarters twice a year. Even on those two trips, the time available to spend with staff is tremendously limited since travel is only permitted one day prior to the
meeting. In order to have any time to meet with staff on this trip, I took the earliest flight I could. This netted me only a few hours at HQ on Wednesday. Fortunately the PSC meeting ended early enough on Thursday that I managed to meet with staff on two
very important matters for my Division; that is not always the case.
The motion also removes the requirement for approval by the President for travel to a neighboring Division. For example, if the Delta Division Director wishes to attend the Huntsville Hamfest in the Southeastern Division, the President should not have to be
bothered with approving it.
I welcome any suggestions for making this a better motion.
(strikethrough = deleted;
underlined = added)
*******************BEGIN MOTION********************
Section 7.2 of the Director’s Workbook, ARRL Travel Policy, is amended is follows:
Directors -- Travel within their own Division is at the discretion of each Director. Travel to neighboring Divisions on official ARRL business
shall be coordinated with and approved by the President, with advance notification to the Director of the Division being visited.
Division budgets may be used for travel to the Dayton Hamvention, extending stays at Headquarters, and making an additional trip annually to Headquarters for those Directors serving on committees that do not
hold four meetings a year there. Where needed, the cost of a rental vehicle in conjunction with this travel may also be charged to the Division budgets.
*******************END MOTION********************
Cost: $-0- This does not expand a Division’s budget, only the ability of the Division to expend its available funds in the manner best suited to serving that Division.