A member accidently let his amateur license lapse, and was wondering why the FCC didn't send him a renewal notice before it expired. I explained that one to him, (the "Paperwork Reduction Act"), then he wondered why he also didn't get a renewal notice from ARRL. I couldn't explain that one. Here's what he sent me: Incidentally, I just did a google search, (which brings up another issue...) where ARRL says on their website that expiration notices are a "benefit of membership"... see http://www.arrl.org/expiration-notices It doesn't specify email or snail mail, but the wording suggests snail mail. If that's no longer the case, that page needs to be updated. I may have received one but I don't think I did. Is this something that Personify broke, or is this an anomaly? I haven't had any other questions about it, but was wondering. Anybody else on ODV had recent issues with this? Thanks! 73; Mike W7VO