I would like to thank all members of the board, officers, and participating staff members for an outstanding meeting today. 

Rick did a great job keeping the cats within the fence, and I appreciate all the directors who agreed to "lump" some items into one vote. That was a huge time saving process.

The work done prior to this meeting was obvious and again I credit Rick for beating that into our heads the last few days. 

Nothing; however, beats in-person meetings. Having the one on one time, and the discussions that go along with such meetings can not be replaced with ZOOM. 

That being said, I think today went better than some thought, and perhaps just as others predicted. 

In my opinion it went very well, and although we could not be together in person, we were definitely together in spirit. 

Thanks all for a great day, and I look forward to the next time we can see each other in person. 

Mark, HDX