You are preapproved. I'd like to extend an invitation to all ARRL board members, officers, and staff to feel free to contact any Southwestern Division member for any purpose whatsoever without asking permission or notifying me in advance. When it comes to gathering information for your work on a committee or simply for your edification, and you believe that a Southwestern Division member or resident has something that will benefit your efforts, I even encourage you to contact him. You have been entrusted with the direction and/or operation of the League by virtue of direct membership votes, indirect membership vote through Board election, or by reason of employment. Please use the same professional level of judgment when dealing with Southwestern Division members that I have observed in your dealings with the Board. This invitation includes freedom to discuss policy and anything else. We are of community of diverse interests with experts scattered about the country. Particularly if you are gathering information on some new concept, I recommend concluding a discussion with the question, "Is there anything specific that you would suggest the ARRL do?" I believe that we all have the best interests of Amateur Radio and the League in mind, in spite of the bizarre fact that some of you occasionally have voted differently than me. Our concerns are often national. In the 21st century, discussion of the League often takes place on a national scale. I neither demand nor expect reciprocity. If you feel that there would be some benefit to reporting your contact to me, or you have suggested something that I might get involved in later, I'd appreciate a note about it. Thank you. 73, Dick Norton, N6AA