What are we saying to our members about the importance of
ARRL Board Meetings, when the Web Story about the meeting is an unremarkable nine
lines (with a link), posted on July 19th and scrolled off just 4
days later?
The stories about educators talking to the ISS astronauts
and the ARISS repeater had better graphics and more space. For that matter just
about every story in the past week was more eye-catching. There was more
information about the meeting in Tuck Miller’s piece on Pasternak’s
“Amateur Radio Newsline” and he wasn’t
even there.
I was under the impression that when we pulled the Board minutes
for QST that a real effort would be made to keep members apprised of Board
activities. If ARRL is truly the National Association of
Amateur Radio and we are serious about trying to keep members informed, interested
and engaged in nuts and bolts Amateur issues, our Web Page, as well as, QST
ought to reflect that belief.