Hey, I came across this ad on Facebook this morning and was wondering if anyone knew if this was an authorized dealer. It seems as though WORLDWIDE24.SHOP is now selling T-Shirts, Hoodies and Zip up Sweatshirts with our ARRL logo on the front. Here's a link to the webpage.. https://worldwides24.shop/anw73?fbclid=IwAR05ckgo84TBLmbW3nPrZSp92J5nkUzJd0f 53oWBDJ_eDxjNRVMyVQqjDfA <https://worldwides24.shop/anw73?fbclid=IwAR05ckgo84TBLmbW3nPrZSp92J5nkUzJd0 f53oWBDJ_eDxjNRVMyVQqjDfA&s=hanes-5250&c=White&p=FRONT> &s=hanes-5250&c=White&p=FRONT Scott Scott Yonally, N8SY Great Lakes Division Vice Director ARRL - The National Association For Amateur RadioT <mailto:n8sy@n8sy.com> n8sy@n8sy.com 419-512-4445 419-756-5046