Andy, You, in my opinion, are clearly on the right track. I am ambivalent; however, to taking the poll you describe. Unfortunately, we nearly are too late in what I perceive to be our intended timeline to take a national poll. Nearly too late, this is. In addition, I suspect that several of us don't need additional polls. I do not because of the poll I took of the Division in July. If we are to conduct a nationwide poll, my concern would be its wording. To me, a poll of "who wants to keep" vs. "who does not want to keep" code requirements is of little value. The key is the comment in your note about determining how strongly those who want to keep the requirement, want to keep it. Replies in the GLD show that nearly 2/3 of the members "want to keep," but not many of these think we should to go to the mat to fight to keep the requirement. Factoring the "how badly I want it" into the simple "I want it" gives much differing views. A second concern is a possible stuffing of the ballot box. I need help on this issue, because I don't know if it is or is not possible. In short, even though our ongoing polling on the ARRL web site says we "should" vote only once, is there a feature built into the site that will prevent this? I voted a second time on one occasion to test this out and as I recall, each of my votes counted. I don't think I'd want NCI or FISTS mounting a campaign to overly influence the results of a poll. My bottom line to all this is that if we are to do a poll: 1) It needs to be done very soon so that we have time to digest the results before the January Board meeting, 2) It needs to be very carefully worded so that it provides necessary perspective rather than a simple yes or no answer, and 3) It needs to be done in a way that prevents flagrant multiple voting. Finally, please know that I fully endorse learning how our members think on issues provided we request their opinions in a manner that allows us to learn something of value rather than confuse the issue. 73, GL, Jim W. AMATEUR RADIO: The only fail-safe communications system in the world. ARRL: The reason Amateur Radio is! Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director, Great Lakes Division ARRL 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040-9660, Tel. 513-459-0142, E-mail k8je@arrl.org