Hi Everyone -- Regrettably, I'm not going to make Houston this weekend; I had a project that I'm running at work take a dump in such a way that it would be detrimental if I were not in the lab on Thursday and Friday (probably the weekend, too). Believe me, I'd much rather be in the Board room than at work. I've been in touch with President Harrison and Vice-Director Allen to explain the situation. I have full confidence in Dwayne sitting at the front table in my absence, and ask that everyone assist him as needed since this is his first board meeting in any fashion and will be on a learning curve like Director Sarratt. As for my Scouting report I've asked (via email) Bill N3LLR and/or Jim K9JF to speak to it on my behalf. My apologies to each of you, but unfortunately first-thing's-first. I wish you all a very productive meeting, and look forward to hearing about it afterwards. I'll make it up in July, y'all! 73, Brian N5ZGT ARRL Director, Rocky Mountain Division