Also many thanks to ARRL for the addition to today’s ARRL letter regarding the 60 meter comment deadline.
‘73 de Jim N2ZZ
Director – Roanoke Division
Representing ARRL members in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia
ARRL – the national association for Amateur Radio
Facebook Page: ARRL Roanoke Division
From: arrl-odv <>
On Behalf Of Michael Ritz
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2023 5:05 PM
Subject: [arrl-odv:35299] Re: FW: Urgent Message - RE 60 meter band FCC proposal
Many THANKS to the many others before me on this subject, including VD Tharp who put our own "NW Division" version together while I'm trying to get caught
up from the trip to PacifiCon. It went out to our Division members this afternoon.
Great job, everyone!
On 10/26/2023 10:20 AM PDT Famiglio, Bob, K3RF (Dir, AD) <> wrote:
Below is just one of many response and phone calls I received to my message yesterday afternoon which itself is included below FYI. If you are drafting a message to your division, I composed a slightly different presentation you are also welcomed to use as a guide. I started with Jim and Bills’ draft and personalized it somewhat. My experience may be different than yours so cut and paste appropriately. I have already received many emails and phone calls in less than 24 hours.
Bob Famiglio . K3RF
From: Mark Caldwell Walker <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 9:53 PM
To: Famiglio, Bob, K3RF (Dir, AD) <>
Subject: Re: Urgent Message - RE 60 meter band FCC proposal
You don't often get email from Learn why this is important
Hi, Bob. I don't think I've ever commented on an NPRM before, and your message motivated me to do so this time. What got my attention is that this is not only about 60 meters; this is part of a general attitude that needs to be changed. Information on my submission is as follows:
Confirmation Number: 20231026853418346
Click to review:
Proceeding(s): 23-120
Filer(s): Mark Walker
Date Submitted: 10/26/2023
Primary Contact Email: marwalk@gmail.comI took your advice and wrote an original comment, which I hope will have some effect.
AC3EWOn 10/25/23 16:06, ARRL Members Only Web site wrote:
Those of you who have heard me speak about the threats facing AmateurRadio know that my greatest concerns facing our League are loss ofspectrum, loss of antenna rights, and ever increasing RFI. Of these, themost urgent is the threat to our current 60 meter privileges.Why should you care? Whether or not you are active on 60 meters, theproposed 10 dB reduction in power from 100 watts to 9.5 watts is themost sweeping reduction of HF privileges in decades. This erosion of ourrights is a slippery slope which will embolden the FCC to remove ormodify more HF privileges.Atlantic Division Vice Director Marty Pittenger, KB3MXM, and I stronglyencourage you to assist League members and the entire U.S. Amateur Radiocommunity by making your voice heard on the importance of protecting our60 meter privileges. Submit comments to the Federal CommunicationsCommission (FCC) before October 30th. Some of you have already filedwell-reasoned, persuasive comments, which bear reading at the FCC website.If you are not familiar with the FCC Notice of Proposed Rule Making(NPRM) and its impact on our 60 meter privileges please keep reading thedeep dive below or visit our website at site has further information with easy instructions and links onhow to file comments with the FCC.60 Meter Deep DiveLike many of you, I have enjoyed operating 60 meters and haveparticipated under the occasional inter-service authority to testinteroperability between radio amateurs, FEMA SHARES and Militaryreserve units on the authorized channels.Even if you are not currently active on 60 meters, the proposed 10 dBreduction in power from 100 watts to an equivalent of less than 10 wattsis the most sweeping reduction of HF privileges in decades. If AmateurRadio opposition to this proposed change is weak, and the FCC goesthrough with the change, that lackluster response from the Amateur Radiocommunity will embolden the FCC to remove or modify more HF privileges.There are other radio services that covet our HF radio spectrum. We needto protect them.The FCC has issued NPRM Docket Number 23-120 which would reduce ourpower limit on 60 meters from 100 watts ERP (Effective Radiated Power)to the equivalent of 9.5 watts ERP. The NPRM would REPLACE the currentfive channels (currently each with a 100-watt power limit) with a 15 KHzcontinuous spectrum from 5351.5 to 5366.5 KHz, but limiting power to theequivalent of 9.5 watts ERP. That is a substantial decrease. Our Leagueis proposing to keep the current five channels AND add the docket’sproposed 15 KHz of continuous spectrum, all at a power level of 100watts ERP.I have heard from reliable sources that certain agency detractors havelabeled ham radio operators as undisciplined on the 60 meter band andeven causing interference by running at very high power. They argue thattheir actions threaten other government users that need that spectrumfor operations and emergencies. I have never witnessed this problem, butit is hard to argue against innuendo. Even if true, which I doubt, itmust be a tiny minority of operators. Retaining useful privileges on 60meters is really a valuable goal. So, let’s argue the positive aspectsof our presence.If you are an emergency communications enthusiast, present yourcredentials and cite real examples of the value of 60 meters for suchoperations. FCC still sees such amateur operations as the highestcalling of Amateur Radio. Even if you view amateur radio as strictly ahobby, separate from emergency communications, that may be aninsufficient argument to persuade the FCC that we should retain ourprivileges.It’s important to note that in 2022, Canada enacted our League’sposition by keeping the five current channels AND adding the expanded 15KHz of continuous spectrum, all at 100 watts. ARRL is advocating for theFCC to adopt the identical allocations and power limits which Canada putin place over a year ago. It might be an uphill battle for us, but yourcomments will help. Let’s try to hold the line.When the FCC authorized 60 meter access for Amateur Radio operators inJuly 2003, the Commission cited the positive propagation attributes foremergency communications. Believe me, this is the correct argument thatstill holds today. Over the past twenty years, in the midst of multiplehurricanes, Caribbean Amateur Radio stations used 60 meters to relaycritical weather and situational reports to U.S. operators. Clearly, 9.5watts ERP would be woefully inadequate to maintain communications forthese purposes.Having a consistent band plan with Canada will also ensure harmoniouscommunications throughout most of North America. Remember, the FCC doesnot make decisions on rule making by counting the comments for oragainst a change on a weighted scale. Rather, personally draftedcomments, short or long, are more useful than just a quick cut andpaste. But any comments in favor are better than none at all. Pleasehelp and get your ham friends and clubs to act NOW. We only have a fewmore days. Make this your weekend project.Together, we are The National Association for Amateur Radio. PLEASEsupport our League’s filing in this matter. To learn more about theNPRM and its impact on our 60-meter privileges, please visit your ARRLwebsite at: On this site you willfind links to file comments with the FCC. Please don’t delay. Asubstantial response from the ham community before the October 30deadline is the only way to forestall the loss of our valued operatingprivileges. Protection of our Amateur Radio spectrum is our number onepriority.If you have questions or wish to discuss this further, please feel freeto call me at my office number below day or evening. If I’m notimmediately available, leave your contact information and I’ll getback to you.Keep the faith and please file a comment either by Express filing orStandard filing by document upload - PDF recommended. Read the filingsuploaded far to get the drift. 73, and I will see you on the Radio.Let’s try to make sure that can also be on 60 meters in the future.Bob Famiglio, K3RFARRL Atlantic Division Director610-359-7300--------------------------------------------------------------------ARRL Atlantic DivisionDirector: Robert B Famiglio, Caldwell Walkerhttps://marwalk.net_______________________________________________
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