Hello Mike,

            The practice of NOT sharing of microphones is always a good idea. 
I heard from one DX op - I think it was Glen W0GJ - who mentioned that he was
one of the few that brought his own headset to use on a DXpedition and
turned out that he was one of the few of the crew that did not develop
a sore throat and congestion.  
These precautions are more important now than ever before.

               Stay well !

                         73, Kermit W9XA

On Monday, March 23, 2020, 4:44:25 PM CDT, Matt Holden <mtholde@gmail.com> wrote:

Looks like a good article for the next ARRL Contest Update.

On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 4:25 PM Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net> wrote:
> I think these are great ideas, so I'm passing along to ODV.  With upcoming ARRL events coming up, (like the Rookie Round Up, SSB  in April), it might be prudent to keep information like this in mind when publishing information about upcoming events.
> 73;
> Mike
> W7VO
> (Operating as WW7E next weekend, SOAB. No multi-op here!)
> "Safe Contesting Suggestions from CQ
> If you're "sheltering in place" or otherwise stuck at home to help prevent the spread of coronavirus, keep in mind that the CQ World Wide WPX SSB Contest on the weekend of March 28-29 is the perfect way to have some fun and keep connected with the outside world.
> However, we want to make sure you practice "safe contesting," especially if you're planning a multi-operator effort.
> A few suggestions:
> * Consider staying at home and operating single-op (except for family stations)
> * Consider remote multi-op with operators "traveling" to your station via the internet instead of in-person (if you're equipped for it and if your ops will all be legal)
> * If you're too far along in planning an in-person multi-op operation, please follow "social distancing" recommendations, including:
> setting up operating positions at least six feet (two meters) apart;
> * Not sharing microphones/headphones/computer keyboards without first wiping them down with disinfectant wipes;
> staggering meal breaks to keep from having everyone together at one time;
> * Not sharing sleeping/napping spots,
> * Not touching your face, and of course,
> * Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds between every contact (well, maybe not quite that often, but you get the idea).
> * We want all of you not only to enjoy this contest but many more to come as well!"
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