Hello Barry, As I had communicated earlier, I extend my sincere and heartfelt compliments to all who are involved in this. This was a great idea and is actually something that they membership has been asking for. I have been receiving numerous positive comments via e-mail. I may sign up for a topic or two to watch and learn but I'm fine watching the on-demand replays. I urge the Board to support this kind of initiative. Learning is a core part of basis and purpose and is also why many join the amateur radio ranks. 73 Ria, N2RJ On Wed, 29 Jul 2020 at 20:05, Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO) <bshelley@arrl.org> wrote:
Good evening:
I wanted to draw your attention to the story posted today on the news crawl of the ARRL web site on the first webinar in the ARRL Learning Network series. http://www.arrl.org/news/traffic-handling-webinar-launches-ham-radio-learnin...
As I reported to you last month, this new initiative is a collaboration between Kris Bickell, Lifelong Learning Manager, and Bob Inderbitzen, Product Development Manager, and represents another step in our objective to be the leading source of quality information for members. We want to position ARRL and our experienced member-volunteers as a regular source of quality learning and skills development in amateur radio.
So far, the response to the first in the series has been extremely positive and I’m told there are almost 300 people signed up for tomorrow’s session, “Fun with Digital Signal Modes FT4 and FT8”. The currently scheduled sessions are included in the web story. I encourage you to register for one of the sessions that interests you.
Barry, N1VXY
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