
I found a few nits:

5.  MacDonnell should be MacDonell (per QRZ.COM)
15. After the word "Officer" change the comma to a period
16. Second Paragraph after "... Williams 10" change comma to a period
20. The second to the last sentence doesn't seem to make sense
41. Item 10 is indented whereas 8 & 9 are not

Rod, K0DAS

On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 9:39 AM, Henderson, Dan N1ND <dhenderson@arrl.org> wrote:

Attached please find the current working draft of the minutes for the 2018 ARRL Annual Board meeting, just held in Hartford.  This is not the final document for Board approval.


If you have suggested edits, please email them to me directly for consideration. If you would use a protocol along the lines in your email of:


Change Minute 100 line 5 from “The cat is green” to “The cat is forest green”.  Please send me only suggested changes in a stand along email instead of a “mark-up” Word document.  It makes it easier to consider at this end.


If you believe something substantive is wrong, please contact me directly so I can look into it with the President.


Please get me anything as quickly as possible.  That will allow me to turn the final draft around to you for consideration and approval in short order.




Dan Henderson, N1ND

Assistant Secretary – American Radio Relay League, Inc.

Regulatory Information Manager

ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio




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