Hi all: At the Executive Committee meeting yesterday, the ECapproved a proposal for the selection of Joel Harrison, W5ZN, as IARU Secretaryto replace Dave Sumner, K1ZZ, who is retiring from that appointment. Please seeattached for background information on the recommendation from the EC. In accordance with Article 6 and specifically StandingOrder 99-2.34, which calls for ratification by mail vote of the Board in thisparticular matter, I submit the following Executive Committee proposal for yourapproval: That Joel Harrison, W5ZN, beappointed as IARU Secretary effective July 1, 2021. Please vote yes or no to approve the proposal. Please send your vote to Carla Pereira at: cpereira@arrl.org Carla will tally the results and inform the Board of theresults. Thanks. 73, Rick – K5UR