Thanks, Bruce and the committee. The secretary of Region 2 will distribute a consolidated document of all proposals received from national societies one month from now. There will then be 2 months to review the document and (if necessary) prepare a response for the Board's consideration. Reading our announcement over again, I'm stumped about how some people evidently came to believe that the existing Region 2 band plan was a proposal for change. The announcement we published this year was identical to the one we published in 2010, except for changing the dates and deleting reference to the inadvertent switch of frequencies in the 2007 version. In 2010, nobody jumped to a wrong conclusion. Be that as it may, perfect clarity is a goal we'll continue to aim at. Until we hit that target there's always room for improvement. I will report to the Region 2 secretary that the ARRL proposes no changes in the 2010 band plan. 73 - Kay N3KN