Hopefully, this can be taken care of by someone on staff?

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Bob Wilson, N6TV <n6tv@arrl.net>
To: Kristen A. McIntyre, K6WX <k6wx@arrl.org>
Cc: Dick Norton N6AA <richardjnorton@yahoo.com>; Bob Vallio, W6RGG <rbvallio@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, March 8, 2021, 03:54:32 PM PST
Subject: Major problems with ARRL.net mail forwarder

Hi Kristen,

Help please!  I subscribe to multiple groups.io reflectors using my n6tv@arrl.net address.  The ARRL mail forwarding service is rejecting many posts as spam.   I don't know who to contact at ARRL to fix this.

The Email received from Groups.IO is below


Recently, emails sent to you have bounced back to us. This can be for many reasons, including:

- We have an incorrect email address for you.
- Your account was or is full.
- Other temporary delivery issues.

To view the error messages we receive from your email server, click here.  [see results below]

We have suspended email delivery to you. This means you will no longer receive messages from the groups you are subscribed to, including:

You must take action to restore your account. To unbounce your account, go to the following link [done].

But the reject log shows the ARRL.NET forwarder thinks all these posts are spam or something.

Recent Bounces

2:01pm#32615 [ic-7300] Price increase coming or what?mx-2.rightbox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
1:57pm#32614 [ic-7300] Price increase coming or what?mx-2.rightbox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
1:22pm#32613 [ic-7300] Thank youmx-all.pobox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
1:12pm#32612 [ic-7300] Price increase coming or what?mx-2.rightbox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
1:08pm#32611 [ic-7300] Info pleasemx-3.rightbox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
1:01pm#32610 [ic-7300] About the ARB-704 Amp Keying Interfacemx-2.rightbox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
12:49pm#32609 [ic-7300] Value of 7300 Updatemx-1.rightbox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
11:55am#32608 [ic-7300] Info pleasemx-3.rightbox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
11:43am#32607 [ic-7300] Info pleasemx-all.pobox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
11:34am#9556 [mldxcc] DX??mx-1.rightbox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
6:59am#32601 [ic-7300] About the ARB-704 Amp Keying Interfacemx-all.pobox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
6:54am#32600 [ic-7300] #cw Rig setup when using N3FJP in CW mode?mx-3.rightbox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
6:40am#101880 [NCCC] ARRLDX SSB W6SX SOAB HPmx-all.pobox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
3:15am#32599 [ic-7300] Price increase coming or what?mx-3.rightbox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
12:50am#32598 [ic-7300] What does the blinking red OVF mean just to the right of the Filter? I’m new to the 7300mx-all.pobox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
Mar 6#32597 [ic-7300] IC-7300_ENG_Info_V1.40_0 (Changes).mx-3.rightbox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
Mar 6#3178 [icom7850] spike on 7851 when unkeyedmx-3.rightbox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
Mar 6#32596 [ic-7300] Price increase coming or what?mx-3.rightbox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
Mar 6#32595 [ic-7300] Rs-ba1 softwaremx-1.rightbox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)
Mar 6#32594 [ic-7300] Price increase coming or what?mx-1.rightbox.com: 554 5.7.1 <n6tv@arrl.net>: Recipient address rejected: dnsbl/bl.spamcop.net returned deny: for (mail02.groups.io)

Bob, N6TV