Monday July 14 is the deadline, not the 16th.
My error for not consulting a calendar first!!!
Again, the deadline is Monday, July 14.
From: Joel
Harrison [mailto:
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 8:38
To: arrl-odv
Subject: Board Reports
A reminder that if you are
responsible for submitting a report to the board they are due no later than
Monday, July 16, 2008.
Those required to submit reports
ALL officers and ALL committee
chairpersons, both ad-hoc and standing. In the past, two people that fall into
this category have thought this didn’t apply to them….it does!
So, if you fall into one of the
above categories, please be responsible and provide your report to the Board of
Directors by the requested deadline so everyone will have an opportunity to
review the material PRIOR to arriving in
Thank you for your cooperation.
73 Joel W5ZN