Very sad news.
I spoke at the Newington ARL not that long ago. It was their first meeting after COVID. The room took a moment to say things they were feeling about being back together. George said “I really miss Mary Hobart.” Mary was their President
for a number of years while at ARRL.
Hopefully after battling cancer, he can rest in peace. He was a wonderful volunteer.
From: Faasen, Jon, AA1EZ <>
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 3:28 PM
To: HQ Staff <>
Cc:; Charlie (Skip) Colton <>; Cianciolo, Paul, W1VLF <>; Comcast <>; DAVID LESSO <>; George Carbonell ( <>; GEORGE LILLENSTEIN
<>;; jpoland4 <>; w1yff <>; Richard Lawrence <>; tbrooks.ct <>;
Subject: Passing of George Lillenstein, AB1GL
With much sadness I must report of the loss of George Lillenstein, AB1GL. George was a dedicated and motivated Volunteer at W1AW, continually on the air and helping our visitors to get on the air, make contacts
and have a pleasurable and memorable visit. George served as the President of the Newington Amateur Radio League (NARL) from 2017 to 2022. George was the Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) and Division Emergency Coordinator (DEC) for the Connecticut Amateur
Radio Emergency Service (ARES). George was an active member in the BEARS of Manchester Amateur Radio Club. Furthermore, George was active on the National Traffic Service (NTS), WESCONN and Nutmeg radio nets.
George’s battle with Cancer ended early Friday Morning November 18, 2022. Only a few weeks ago in his declining health, George attended the ARRL Open House helping visitors to get on the air. George has
earned a special place in our hearts for his unparalleled dedication and enthusiasm for Amateur Radio, the ARRL and the many friends and ARRL visitors he has inspired through his many years of service. Currently, there are no funeral details or donation links
for the family available.
Thank you for contacting the ARRL!
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.
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Jon D. Faasen, AA1EZ
Member Services Representative & Volunteer Coordinator
ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®
225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111-1400 USA
Telephone: 860-594-0387 or 1-888-277-5289