Dan, Thanks—this will help keep the reports straight—especially if those who write them put the number somewhere on the 1st page. 73, Greg, K0GW On Tuesday, June 19, 2018, Henderson, Dan N1ND <dhenderson@arrl.org> wrote:
Greg et al:
There is no required numbering protocol for numbering. Below are the reports I believe we should be receiving. If I have missed one or not deleted on, please advise for I can get the full agenda prepared. Not that these numbers are subject to change when Carla assembles the materials for the books.
Thanks and 73
Dan Henderson, N1ND
Assistant Secretary – American Radio Relay League, Inc.
Regulatory Information Manager
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio
*From:* Widin, Gregory, K0GW *On Behalf Of *G Widin *Sent:* Tuesday, June 19, 2018 3:00 PM *To:* Henderson, Dan N1ND <dhenderson@arrl.org> *Cc:* arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org>; Ellam, Tim, VE6SH < tellam@mccarthy.ca>; Glenn MacDonell <glennmacd@rogers.com> *Subject:* Re: [arrl-odv:27292] CALL FOR ARRL SECOND BOARD MEETING - 2018
Since the Draft Agenda contains only high-level topics, it doesn't have Document Numbers for the reports. If possible, having those numbers now would lead to better marking in the documents, and less confusion both in reading and in building the Board books.
Greg, K0GW
Reports (Numbers are subject to change)
Doc. #2 President Roderick
Doc. #3 First Vice President Widin
Doc. #4 Second Vice President Vallio
Doc. #5 International Affairs Vice President Bellows
Doc. #6 Treasurer’s report, Mr. Niswander
Doc. #7 Chief Executive Officer Shelley
Doc. #8 Chief Financial Officer Ms. Middleton
Doc. #9 General Counsel Mr. Imlay
Doc. #10 Executive Committee, Mr. Roderick, Chairman
Doc. #11 Administration & Finance Committee, Mr. Pace, Chairman
Doc. #12 Programs & Services Committee, Mr. Blocksome, Chairman
Doc. #13 Ethics & Elections Committee, Mr. Norris, Chairman
Doc. #14 Amateur Radio Legal Defense & Assistance Committee, Mr. Tiemstra, Chairman
Doc. #15 RF Safety Committee, Mr. Zygielbaum, Liaison
Doc. #16 EMC Committee, Mr. Carlson, Chairman
Doc. #17 Public Relations Committee, Mr. Morine, Liaison
Doc. #18 Historical Committee, Mr. Blocksome, Chairman
Doc. #19 Ad Hoc HF Band Planning Committee, Mr. Widin, Chairman
Doc. #20 Ad Hoc LoTW Committee, Mr. Widin, Chairman
Doc. #21 ARDF Coordinator Joe Moell, KØOV
Doc. #22 Contest Advisory Committee, Mr. Allen, Liaison
Doc. #23 DX Advisory Committee, Mr. Tiemstra, Liaison
Doc. #24 Ad Hoc Legislative Advocacy Committee, Mr. Lisenco, Chairman
Doc. #25 Ad Hoc Entry Level License Committee report, Mr. Frenaye, Chairman
Doc. #26 Membership, Diane Petrilli, Membership Manager
Doc. #27 OO Program Study Committee, Mr. Mileshosky, Chairman
Doc. #28 CEO Search Committee, Mr. Niswander, Chairman