, , , and ELF, whose URL appears at the end of the
article, is classified as a domestic terrorist organization by the
Marty N6VI
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 6:36
Subject: [arrl-odv:21782] Re: Fwd:
[CCAFMA] ban ham radio
Note the date. This circulated four years ago with no
There's every kind of lunacy evident on the
Dave K1ZZ
Quoting Bill Edgar <wedgar@verizon.net>:
> From
one of the club reflectors in our division.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject:
[CCAFMA] ban ham radio
> From: Andrew O'Brien <k3ukandy@gmail.com>
> <ccafma@yahoogroups.com>
> Interesting email from the Earth
Liberation Front
> Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:16
> What characteristic is shared by an electric blanket, a
power line, and a
> broadcast tower? All three emit electromagnetic
> These invisible electromagnetic fields are known as
EMFs. They are
> generated by currents running through electric wires.
Since they are not
> powerful and destructive like nuclear or X-ray
radiation, they were once
> thought to be harmless. However, studies
have suggested that people
> exposed to them chronically run a higher
risk of certain health problems,
> including miscarriages, learning
disabilities, and cancer.
> Did you know that Ham Radio
Operators run 1500 watts of power in your
> neighborhood exposing your
family to dangerous radiation?
> Is there a ham radio operator
in your neighborhood? You can find out
> easily by a large antenna in
your neighbor yards and doing a search for
> hams by zip code at http://www.qrz.com/db/
> The reason
you need to search for hams in your neighborhood is because
> they can
run their 1500 watt transmitters with a small wire dipole and
> vertical
antennas hidden in trees and flag poles. Unlike CB radio
> operators who
are limited to a very low 4 watt transmitters in your
> neighborhood
hams can do more damage to your children with there 1500 watt
transmitters. How much power does your local AM radio station run? On
average they only run 1000 watts, but the transmitting antennas are
> usually in
> remote unpopulated areas. Ham radio operators run
there high powered
> transmitters right in your neighborhood.
How to put a stop to ham radio operators from polluting your
> 1. Write your congressman about protecting your children
from harmful EMF.
> 2. Demand that the FCC certify every ham radio
operator in your area
> comply with RF exposure regulations by writing
the FCC.
> http://www.fcc.gov/eb/AmaCmpl.html
3. Contact your local city council and mayor to lobby to change
Federal law regarding using high powered transmitters in your
> 4. If you live in a neighborhood with a covenant then
contact the HOA and
> demand that it be changed to exclude licensed ham
radio operators from
> living in the neighborhood, it is not enough to
ban large antennas since
> the ham radio operator will put up a small
wire antenna or an antenna in
> their attic to transmit up to 1500 watts
of power.
> 5. If you find out a ham is in your neighborhood let your
neighbors know
> so they can contact your city council and congress
representative to
> change the law to mandate a lower power usage of ham
radio around your
> family.
> 6. Ham radio operators lower your
property values with there large
> antennas and the increasing knowledge
that high power transmitters effect
> every family in the neighborhood
with harmful EMF radiation.
> http://earth-liberation-front.org/
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