, , , and ELF, whose URL appears at the end of the article, is classified as a domestic terrorist organization by the FBI.
Marty N6VI
----- Original Message -----
From: david.sumner@ties.itu.int
To: Bill Edgar
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 6:36 AM
Subject: [arrl-odv:21782] Re: Fwd: [CCAFMA] ban ham radio

Note the date. This circulated four years ago with no effect.

There's every kind of lunacy evident on the Internet.

Dave K1ZZ

Quoting Bill Edgar <wedgar@verizon.net>:

> From one of the club reflectors in our division.
> -Bill
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [CCAFMA] ban ham radio
> From: Andrew O'Brien <k3ukandy@gmail.com>
> To: NCARC <ncarclub@yahoogroups.com>,CCAFMA Reflector 
> <ccafma@yahoogroups.com>
> CC:
> Interesting email from the Earth Liberation Front
> Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:16 pm
> What characteristic is shared by an electric blanket, a power line, and a
> broadcast tower? All three emit electromagnetic radiation.
> These invisible electromagnetic fields are known as EMFs. They are
> generated by currents running through electric wires. Since they are not
> powerful and destructive like nuclear or X-ray radiation, they were once
> thought to be harmless. However, studies have suggested that people
> exposed to them chronically run a higher risk of certain health problems,
> including miscarriages, learning disabilities, and cancer.
> Did you know that Ham Radio Operators run 1500 watts of power in your
> neighborhood exposing your family to dangerous radiation?
> Is there a ham radio operator in your neighborhood? You can find out
> easily by a large antenna in your neighbor yards and doing a search for
> hams by zip code at http://www.qrz.com/db/
> The reason you need to search for hams in your neighborhood is because
> they can run their 1500 watt transmitters with a small wire dipole and
> vertical antennas hidden in trees and flag poles. Unlike CB radio
> operators who are limited to a very low 4 watt transmitters in your
> neighborhood hams can do more damage to your children with there 1500 watt
> transmitters. How much power does your local AM radio station run? On
> average they only run 1000 watts, but the transmitting antennas are 
> usually in
> remote unpopulated areas. Ham radio operators run there high powered
> transmitters right in your neighborhood.
> How to put a stop to ham radio operators from polluting your
> neighborhood:
> 1. Write your congressman about protecting your children from harmful EMF.
> 2. Demand that the FCC certify every ham radio operator in your area
> comply with RF exposure regulations by writing the FCC.
> http://www.fcc.gov/eb/AmaCmpl.html
> 3. Contact your local city council and mayor to lobby to change
> Federal law regarding using high powered transmitters in your
> neighborhood.
> 4. If you live in a neighborhood with a covenant then contact the HOA and
> demand that it be changed to exclude licensed ham radio operators from
> living in the neighborhood, it is not enough to ban large antennas since
> the ham radio operator will put up a small wire antenna or an antenna in
> their attic to transmit up to 1500 watts of power.
> 5. If you find out a ham is in your neighborhood let your neighbors know
> so they can contact your city council and congress representative to
> change the law to mandate a lower power usage of ham radio around your
> family.
> 6. Ham radio operators lower your property values with there large
> antennas and the increasing knowledge that high power transmitters effect
> every family in the neighborhood with harmful EMF radiation.
> http://earth-liberation-front.org/
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