Hello Mickey et al,
I am reading the latest developments regarding ARRL Field Day and understand that all QSOs will count the same 1 point thereby eliminating the 2-point Q for CW and digital.
Our club promotes CW as part of the amateur radio experience and training. I am sure you can understand my disapproval
and disappointment with this change. Learning CW is no small task. It represents a significant commitment to training over a period of months
or years to accomplish proficiency. Most Licensed Operators do not make this commitment and are content to operate SSB or Digital. However, those amateur radio operators that do make the commitment to improving their operating skills should be recognized
for their commitment to the art of CW. The 2-point CW Q provided an incentive for more licensed hams to take the lonely path of learning the Code.
Please forward my comments to the ARRL Leadership and Board.