<<082708.docx>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 31, No. 35 August 27, 2008 -- Covers the period August 17-23. Upcoming Meetings and Events United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI) October 13-17 - ARRL HQ Executive Committee Meeting October 18 @ 9:00am in Chicago, IL Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections November 21 in Newington, CT Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP I have been aiding two production companies planning to do shows about Amateur Radio and EmComm work. Louisiana Public Broadcasting and a contractor for KY educational public broadcasting are both working on projects and ARRL materials have been provided. Over 100 Amateur Radio groups responded and signed up for the National Preparedness Month campaign on the www.ready.gov <http://www.ready.gov/> website. Ideas and options are in planning for the upcoming Marine Corps Marathon in DC. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH Three fund raising campaigns are currently in the mail to ARRL members. The first few days of results are as follows: Education & Technology Fund $2,362 Historic Preservation Fund $2,236 Lab Fund $2,045 Development received a new planned giving commitment of 25% of an estate. Development traveled with Steve Ewald, W1VX to the annual Citizen Corps Leadership Forum in Oklahoma City. The conference, attended by approximately 250 representatives of Citizen Corps discussing their local efforts to promote emergency preparedness and response. Amateur Radio is a component for some of the local groups and others were introduced to it at this meeting with materials Steve and I provided as a special National Affiliates Reception during the week. Our grant writer prepared 10 letters of interest for foundation to fund our Teachers Institutes and education programs. He is engaged in follow up contacts to those organizations this week. Next up: the 2009 Spectrum Defense Fund campaign next month. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE The October 2008 issue of QST has been released to the printer, and the 2009 Handbook CD has been released to the duplicator. Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed The ARRL Letter, Vol. 27, No 33, for August 22, 2008. She also voiced and produced ARRL Audio News for August 22. There will be no ARRL Audio News August 29. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R The ARRL New England Division Convention was held in Boxboro, Massachusetts August 22-24. First Vice President Kay C. Craigie, N3KN, delivered the keynote at the convention banquet. Kay was also among the ARRL officials greeting members at our exhibit throughout the weekend. The meet-and-greet team included New England Division Director Tom Frenaye, K1KI, and Chief Operating Officer Harold Kramer, WJ1B. The ARRL exhibit was organized and staffed by Amy Hurtado and Bob Inderbitzen. There were 67 membership applications taken, including 1 new Life Membership. The convention was chaired by Vice Director Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF. A major goal of the event is to support the ARRL Foundation's scholarship program. An online survey invitation was sent to 5,000 members on August 26, seeking feedback about QST content. Responses exceeded 20% in just the first 24 hours. Congratulations to Zoe Bellevieu, W1ZOE. She has accepted a position in the Business Services Department. A full-time job opening with the Customer Service Team has been posted. The Warehouse crew fulfilled 633 packages for publication and product orders, shipped 115 free book membership premiums, and sent August and September QST mailing supplements. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N In case you are looking for Sean Kutzko, he has moved his office from the North Side of MVP (near DXCC) to the South Side. His office is located near Dennis Dura. Field Organization/Public Service Team On August 19, Section Manager ballots were counted. Ed Stuckey, AI7H, was elected Section Manager of Idaho, and Scott Bauer, W2LC, incumbent SM for Western New York, was re-elected. Terms of office begin October 1. Leona Adams led the ballot-counting team at HQ. On August 15, LeeAnne Allen, WY7DTW, was appointed Section Manager of Wyoming by Dave Patton after Chris Pritchard, WX7B, announced that he is moving out of the section to take on a new job. Steve Ewald and Mary Hobart represented ARRL Headquarters at the National Citizen Corps Leadership Forum in Oklahoma City from August 18- 21. Many Citizen Corps groups and affiliate organizations from across the country reported good working relationships with Amateur Radio operators in their states and communities. Oklahoma Section Manager John Thomason, WB5SYT, and Section Emergency Coordinator Charles Goodson, KC5UEG, were among the local Oklahoma radio amateurs that joined Steve and Mary at the National Partners Resource Reception on Tuesday evening. Steve and Dennis Dura have been in touch with Citizen Corps to help coordinate ARRL announcements about a special project that is now underway. The Department of Homeland Security in partnership with the National Weather Service, Department of Education, Department of Commerce, and Health and Human Services is distributing NOAA All Hazards Alert Radios to non-public schools, higher education institutions, and pre-schools. Citizen Corps invited ARRL members and radio clubs to be available to assist - if requested -- these schools in programming, setting up, and properly registering these NOAA Alert Radios. A similar program (but with a smaller number of NOAA radios) was conducted successfully in 2006, and some ARRL members and clubs participated. Chuck Skolaut represented HQ at the ARRL Kansas State Convention in Salina on August 17. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 9/1 Holiday Jon Bloom 10/4-10/13 Vacation Katie Breen 9/5-5/9 Vacation Hugh Brower 9/29-10/3 Vacation Steve Capodicasa 9/2 Vacation `` 9/26 Vacation Norm Fusaro 9/22-9/26 Vacation Scott Gee 10/3-10/6 Vacation `` 12/23-12/26 Vacation Joel Hallas 8/28 Vacation Dan Henderson 8/25-9/2 Vacation `` 10/10/10/13 Michigan Section Convention, Kalamazoo, MI Mary Hobart 9/5 Vacation `` 9/19-9/20 W9DXCC, Chicago, IL `` 10/3 Vacation Gail Iannone 8/18-9/2 Vacation Khrystyne Keane 8/22-8/29 Vacation Joel Kleinman 9/2 Vacation Lisa Kustosik 9/26-10/10 Vacation Rose-Ann Lawrence 9/5 Vacation Monique Levesque 8/28-9/3 Vacation Dave Patton 8/18-9/1 Tokyo Japan Ham Fair Steve Sant Andrea 9/2-9/5 Vacation