Unlike those of his predecessor, this speech is actually worth reading:


 PREPARED REMARKS OF CHAIRMAN JULIUS GENACHOWSKI, "AMERICA'S MOBILE BROADBAND FUTURE".  OCH .  at International CTIA WIRELESS I.T. & Entertainment, San Diego, CA http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-293891A1.doc



Dave K1ZZ




From: William Sawders [mailto:k7zm@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 3:07 PM
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FYI head's up. Spectrum usage.



By Joseph Menn in San Francisco and Chris Nuttall in San DiegoPublished: October 7 2009 20:53 | Last updated: October 7 2009 20:53

The head of the US Federal Communications Commission warned on Wednesday that there is not enough room in the airwaves for the “explosion” in wireless data traffic, setting the stage for a big realignment of spectrum usage as the government tries to help mobile carriers keep up with consumer demand.

“The biggest threat to the future of mobile in America is the looming spectrum crisis,” said Julius Genachowski, the Obama administration appointee who took over as head of the five-member FCC in late June.

This article can be found at:

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