Jackie asked me to pass this information along to the ODV list.
From: Jackie Cornell, Marketing Coordinator, jcornell@arrl.org tel 860-594-0292
RE: ARRL EXPO – Dayton and Huntsville
We’re excited to report that planning is well-underway for ARRL EXPO at Dayton Hamvention and the ARRL National Convention! For your convenience, I’ve included some planning information, below. Also, please return the information requested at the bottom of this message as soon as possible. Thank you!
1) ARRL has contracted with the Dayton Marriott for Hamvention, and with the Embassy Suites Huntsville for the National Convention. Gail Iannone will be managing the ARRL rooming list (block of rooms) for both hotels. She will distribute hotel reservation forms to ARRL officials and staff in the coming weeks.
2) If you have friends traveling to the ARRL National Convention, they can also take advantage of ARRL’s group reservation rate with the following instructions:
Group/Convention code: HAM. Rate: $119. Reservations: 1-800-EMBASSY or http://www.embassysuiteshuntsville.com
3) The IARU-organized Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Conference (GAREC-2007) will be held August 16-17 at the Embassy Suites Huntsville, the two days just preceding the ARRL National Convention.
4) ARRL staff will wear distinctive polo shirts (yellow/butter colored). These shirts are NOT personalized (we will wear our ‘red’ badges). If you are interested in wearing the same style shirt, please let me know (QUANTITY and SIZE). The ladies style has a V-neck. I will include your order with the bulk order we are placing (about $12-15/shirt). The cost will be expensed to your Division budget.
Additional information for both events will posted to www.arrl.org/expo as more details are finalized.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Traveler’s Name and Call Sign:
EVENT #1, May 18-20, Dayton Hamvention®, Dayton, Ohio - [YES / NO / undecided]
EVENT #2, August 18-19, ARRL National Convention, Huntsville, Alabama - [YES / NO / undecided]
Polo* shirts (OPTIONAL and expensed to your Division budget):
*Ladies style Polo has V-Neck
Please include the name(s) and call sign(s) of any other traveler(s) that will accompany you (spouse, companion or other family member) for exhibit badges:
Return this information to Jackie Cornell, jcornell@arrl.org tel 860-594-0292