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73, Harold Kramer, WJ1B

ARRL Chief Operating Officer

860 594 0220


From: [] On Behalf Of Ewald, Steve, WV1X
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 2:55 PM
To: smlist
Subject: [smlist:6578] ARES R on-line registration form [FSD-98] has been updated.


To:  ARRL Section Managers and ARRL Section Emergency Coordinators.


The Amateur Radio Emergency Service ® (ARES ®) on-line registration form [FSD-98] has been updated.


The reason for updating this form is to take better advantage of the on-line form and the capability of the records system that receives and stores this registration information.  With this ARRL will be able to develop better and more accurate statistics concerning ARES membership and its capabilities.  


The information gathered on this form is intended for ARRL use only.


The ARES registration information that is gathered in the online form will be used to produce reports that will be made available to Section leadership.  The system to produce these reports is currently in development.  When it is ready we will let you all know.


Here is a summary of the differences between the former on-line ARES registration form and the new form. 


-       There are separate “fields” for the person’s first and last names.    


-       There is now a separate drop-down box that asks the registrant to indicate his or her ARRL Section and license class


-       The forms now asks, “What types of emergency power do you have at your home station?” and provides a check-off box for each choice.  


-       In addition, the ARES registration form now asks each applicant to check-off the specific kinds of training the registrant has taken.  The form has a check-off box for ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Communications courses, Federal Emergency Management Agency courses, National Weather Service (SKYWARN) courses, and the American Red Cross courses that the registrant has completed.


We here at HQ hope the information gathered from this ARES registration form will be helpful.  It will serve as a supplementary way to sign up ARES members in your section.


The records system that receives and holds this registration information could also serve to build a record of ARES registrants around the country. In this regard, we would be able to gain better and more accurate statistics on the ARES membership.


Therefore it is critical that all ARES members complete the form so that they are properly recorded as an ARES volunteer. We realize that some Sections may have their own online ARES sign up page or may be using the paper forms it is still important to sign up on this form as well.  If you signed up prior to the new website being implemented you will need to sign up again as this information was not transferred over to the new system.  This is also a great opportunity to update your information.  The new form may be found at


Thank you very much for efforts and interest. 



Mike Corey, W5MPC

Emergency Preparedness Manager
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
Telephone: 860 594 0222




Steve Ewald, WV1X

Supervisor, Field Organization Team


ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio™
