I vote yes on the applications of both Kosovo and Rwanda.

Bob, W6RGG

On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 6:43 AM, Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ <dsumner@arrl.org> wrote:

At its October 4 meeting the Executive Committee instructed me to initiate a mail vote of the Directors to authorize affirmative votes by the ARRL on the admission of two new IARU member-societies from Kosovo and Rwanda.


Here is the background information on the two societies, taken from IARU Calendar No. 193 dated 5 August 2014. A vote by mail is necessary because the deadline for votes falls prior to the next in-person meeting of the Board.


The EC asked me to mention that under the current DXCC rules, the application for admission to the IARU from Kosovo has no bearing on its DXCC status. The president of SHRAK attended the IARU Region 1 Conference in Bulgaria last month as an invited observer.


Directors, please let me have your vote on the following:


Resolved, that the ARRL Secretary is instructed to case affirmative votes on IARU Proposals No. 251 and No. 252 for the admission to IARU membership of Shoqata e Radio Amatoreve te Kosoves (SHRAK) and Rwanda Amateur Radio Union (RARU).



David Sumner, K1ZZ






Shoqata e Radio Amatoreve te Kosoves (SHRAK)

Proposed for IARU Membership


An application for IARU membership has been received via IARU Region 1 from the Shoqata e Radio Amatoreve te Kosoves (SHRAK).  The application has been examined by the Region 1 Executive Committee and has been found to satisfy the requirements of the Constitution and Bylaws of the IARU.

Based in Pristina, Republic of Kosovo, SHRAK was formally organized on 14 April 2000.


There are 65 licensed members of the Society out of a total amateur population of approximately 85.


The officers of the society are:

President: Vjollca Belegu-Caka, Z61VB

Secretary: Fehmi Bojniku, Z62FB

The official address of SHRAK is:


Universiteti i Prishtinës

Fakulteti i InxhinierisëElektrike dhe Kompjuterike

(Ndertesa e laboratoreve)

Bregu i Diellit, p.n.

10000 Prishtinë

Republika e Kosovës


Telephone:  +381 (0) 38 551 234

Mobile:  +377 (0) 44 167 622


Email:  vjollca.caka@gmail.com

The President and the Secretary of SHRAK have confirmed that
Shoqata e Radio Amatoreve te Kosoves (SHRAK) has the ability to meet its financial obligations as a member of the IARU, is legally able to act in the furtherance of IARU objectives within its country, and will adhere to the Constitutions of both the IARU and IARU Region 1.

Accordingly, in compliance with the Bylaws pertaining to applications for membership the following proposal is presented to member societies for consideration

Proposal No. 251

The Executive Committee of IARU Region 1 has forwarded to the Administrative Council an application for membership submitted by the
Shoqata e Radio Amatoreve te Kosoves (SHRAK).  Region 1 reports that it has examined the application and has found it to be in order. Region 1 has made a favorable finding with regard to the application.

Therefore, in accordance with Bylaw 3, it is proposed that the
Shoqata e Radio Amatoreve te Kosoves (SHRAK) be elected to membership.

A vote sheet for Proposal No. 251 is enclosed. The closing date for receipt by the International Secretariat of votes on Proposal 251 is five months after the date of this Calendar, or
5 January 2015.  Please note that votes received after this date cannot be counted.


Rwanda Amateur Radio Union (RARU)

Proposed for IARU Membership


An application for IARU membership has been received via IARU Region 1 from the Rwanda Amateur Radio Union (RARU).  The application has been examined by the Region 1 Executive Committee and has been found to satisfy the requirements of the Constitution and Bylaws of the IARU.

Based in Kimironko, Gasabo District, Kigali City, Rwanda, RARU was formally organized on 11 June 2007.


There are 4 licensed members of the Society out of a total amateur population of approximately 10.


The officers of the society are:

Chairperson: Eurald Gakwandi,

Secretary: Solange Ningabire, solange.ningabire@rura.rw

The official address of RARU is:


7289 Kigali-RWANDA


Telephone:  +250 252 584562

FAX:  +250 252 584563


The Chairperson and the Secretary of RARU have confirmed that
the Rwanda Amateur Radio Union (RARU) has the ability to meet its financial obligations as a member of the IARU, is legally able to act in the furtherance of IARU objectives within its country, and will adhere to the Constitutions of both the IARU and IARU Region 1.

Accordingly, in compliance with the Bylaws pertaining to applications for membership the following proposal is presented to member societies for consideration

Proposal No. 252

The Executive Committee of IARU Region 1 has forwarded to the Administrative Council an application for membership submitted by the
Rwanda Amateur Radio Union (RARU).  Region 1 reports that it has examined the application and has found it to be in order. Region 1 has made a favorable finding with regard to the application.

Therefore, in accordance with Bylaw 3, it is proposed that the
Rwanda Amateur Radio Union (RARU) be elected to membership.


A vote sheet for Proposal No. 252 is enclosed. The closing date for receipt by the International Secretariat of votes on Proposal 252 is five months after the date of this Calendar, or 5 January 2015.  Please note that votes received after this date cannot be counted.


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