Brian and ODV,
Here is Kim Mitola’s response to your question about the search
function on the new Web site. I am also sending this to some of our internal
folks for their information.
Thanks for your thoughtful feedback. Because the new site
isn't live, Google is still indexing the old website. Google will begin
indexing the new site at launch and will take 2-4 weeks to fully process. Once
the site is fully indexed, descriptions will display with headline links to
provide a bit more detail for users. During this time, Katie may continue to
enter meta information for pages to yield stronger results. The advanced
search is a more complex addition that we can certainly explore with you post
launch. Currently, we're focused on making adjustments to optimize the site
prior to launch on Monday.
We've received very helpful feedback from the Board and SMs
and appreciate the collaborative spirit from all throughout this remarkable
If you have any other questions, feel free to let us know.
All the best,
Kimberly Mitola
Director of Accounts
Fathom |
100 Allyn Street
Hartford, CT 06103
P: 860-677-9737 x 6015
F: 860-677-9767
*For web
updates and immediate needs,
please send your request to