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Vol. 42, No. 5

February 10, 2017

Covers the period January 28, 2017 – February 3, 2017



Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events


Southeastern Division Convention,

February 9 – 13, 2017 @ Orlando, FL


Vermont Section Convention

February 25, 2017 @ South Burlington, VT


Hamvention  2017

May 19 – 21, 2017 @ Xenia, OH



Chief Executive Office

Reported by Tom Gallagher, NY2RF


Tom Gallagher, Lauren Clarke and Sean Kutzko met with Dr. Ed Snyder about moving forward on the Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative; details below in “Development.”


Tom met with an Academy Award-winning producer in NYC on Friday to discuss the potential for producing documentaries with ARRL about amateur radio past, present and future. Further meetings are being discussed.


Planning and preparations have begun for the Executive Committee meeting in Denver this March.




Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD


Tom Gallagher, Sean Kutzko, and Lauren Clarke met with Dr. Ed Snyder, W1YSM on January 31 to discuss ideas for the Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative. Dr. Snyder presented Tom with a check in the amount of $100,000 to endow the W1YSM Snyder Family Collegiate Amateur Radio Endowment Fund. Earnings from this fund will help advance ARRL’s Collegiate Amateur Radio efforts. Dr. Snyder earlier contributed $5,000 as “seed money” to help advance this effort until endowment earnings are at a sufficient level.  




Reported by Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ



Teacher Registration

Instructor Registration

Graduation Kit Requests

License Class Listings






Lisa and Debra continue tracking down issues with the instructor feedback reporting system and problems with instructor registrations.



Debra hosted the second of two Orientation Sessions for the next group of ARISS host organizations.


Debra also completed updates to the ARRL and websites for the next ARISS proposal window.


A new display banner about ARISS designed by Sue Fagan was produced and mailed for debut at a booth hosted by CASIS at the Space Explorers Educators Conference.


Debra reached out to local teachers in CA to find support at education conferences for which CASIS is requesting ARISS representation.


ARISS Contacts


Education & Technology Program

Debra updated the ARRL website with current information and the summer 2017 schedule for the Teachers Institute. The new 2017 brochures are now available. Lisa sent copies to each Director and notified SMs of their availability.


Debra initiated a discussion with NICERC (National Integrated Cyber Education Research) about developing curriculum for the ETP, and followed up on a lead with Project Lead the Way to inquire about adding radio electronics to the PLTW (Project Lead the Way) curriculum.


Debra responded to several inquiries from hams wanting support for outreach events.



Field Services

Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N


Field Organization


Leona Adams reports that Robert Roschewsk, KA2PBT, of Washington, New Jersey, has been nominated to run for the Northern New Jersey Section Manager’s position. The next two-year term of office begins July 1, and nominating petitions need to arrive at Headquarters by March 10. 


Steve Ewald has been receiving a many 2016 ARRL Simulated Emergency Test results and 2016 ARRL Emergency Coordinator annual reports from around the country in advance of the early February receipt deadline. 




Reported by Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY


The March 2017 digital edition of QST is live February 10th. PageSuite continues a resubmit process to improve image quality on iOS devices, and has assigned an Android developer to improve the download function on the Android app.




Reported by Norm Fusaro, W3IZ



Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time

3 Weeks

Logbook Processing Time

1 – 2 Business Days

2017 DXCC Applications


2017 WAS Applications


2017 VUCC Applications




Reported by Joe Carci, NJ1Q


Joe updated the web code practice files and their archives. He created the texts for the February W1AW Qualifying Runs. Scott worked on fast and slow code practice texts for the upcoming week. He also processed VUCC certificates and endorsements. 



Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R


Jackie Ferreira reports that January product sales were $218,961; the sales forecast was $252,772. The shortfall is attributed to the postponement of a new book, and softer than predicted sales of “Beginner Training Aids” and “Upgrade Training Aids.” Royalties earned on sales of our Kindle e-books were $8,774.


We had stocked out of our popular title Work the World with JT65 and JT9, by Steve Ford, in late December, anticipating a new printing with some additional content in January. We resumed shipping the book during the last 3 days of January – shipping 483 copies of the new printing. This book continues to do very well.


Jackie conducted some publication promotions by email, with themes for Groundhog Day and the Superbowl. These contributed sales of over $10K.


A promotion for the ARRL home and auto insurance benefit, serviced by Liberty Mutual Insurance, was emailed by ARRL to members on January 31.


Bob Inderbitzen worked with RFinder to commit their ad in the upcoming 2017-18 ARRL Repeater Directory. ARRL receives a 30% commission on sales of RFinder in the US.


Bob and Diane Middleton met with our Federal Express account executive to review shipping discounts ARRL is receiving based on our business volume. We were also introduced to some new shipping services offered by FedEx as the continue to develop ways to remain competitive in a complex shipping & mailing landscape.


Bob continues to work with Hamvention organizers to commit ARRL’s participation at this year’s event in May. We are now tentatively scheduled to sponsor eight forums. Hamvention has received ARRL hamfest sanctioning as this year’s Ohio State Convention. Our online registration form for staff and officials attending the convention (including hotel registration) will be available soon. Hamvention is May 19-21.



Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations

Steve Capodicasa         02/13                           PTO

Joe Carcia                    02/17 half day              PTO

            “                      02/20 – 02/24               PTO

            “                      03/03 half day              PTO

            “                      03/17                           PTO

            “                      03/21                           PTO

            “                      03/24                           PTO

            “                      03/31                           PTO

“                      05/26                           PTO

“                        04/05 – 05/07               PTO

“                      04/07- 04/13                 PTO

“                      05/26                           PTO

“                        07/05 – 07/07               PTO

“                      07/14                           PTO

            “                      07/21                           PTO

            “                      07/28                          PTO

            “                      08/04                           PTO

            “                      08/07 – 08/11               PTO

            “                      08/18                           PTO

            “                      08/25                           PTO

            “                      10/09                           PTO

Lauren Clarke              03/06 – 03/10               PTO

Tom Gallagher             02/10 – 02/12               Southeastern Division Convention, Orlando, FL

Scott Gee                     02/20 – 02/24               PTO

Perry Green                                                      Medical Leave

Bart Jahnke                  02/09 – 02/12               Southeastern Division Convention, Orlando, FL

Bob Inderbitzen            02/09 – 02/13               Southeastern Division Convention, Orlando, FL

Sean Kutzko                 02/24 – 02/25               Vermont Section Convention

“                      03/06                           Fairfield (CT) Radio Club presentation

“                      03/09 – 03/12               PTO



Sincerely Compiled by,

Carla Pereira, Assistant to CEO