This is not surprising. Email malware is the most pervasive mode of system attack. 

In my last position, we quarantined or deleted 60% of inbound emails on a regular basis. We deleted anything containing malware and from known hostile IP ranges and domains. We quarantined all non-whitelisted senders from many countries, and many domestic inbounds with suspicious links.

We trained our user community with KnowB4, a service that intentionally spammed our users (our favorite was Dunkin Coupons for police) and invited a click and then a form to tempt them to disclose identity information.

If they fell for the bait, they were required to take an online security course which helped them identify potential malware.

After we instituted these measures (and others!), we never had downtime or data loss caused by email.


Mickey N4MB

On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 10:00 PM Michael Ritz <> wrote:
I also received 6 of the e-mails this morning, but Comcast correctly put them in the Spam folder. 


On March 2, 2020 at 6:35 PM Bob Famiglio K3RF via arrl-odv <> wrote:


I received no less that 6 today. Do not open them. And yes, they are from a .JA high level domain but that might be spoofed too. Delete and empty your trash file after that.

de K3RF

On 3/2/2020 9:22 PM, Richard Norton via arrl-odv wrote:
Today I received seven messages, sent to , advising me that I have some number of "pending messages from your organization." Although the messages appear to come from something called "Arrl Message Center," they come from an address in Japan.

The messages have a link that says "Review Messages to release or block them."

I have not clicked on that link as this looks suspiciously like a scam that might infect my computer.

Have any of the rest of you received them? Has anyone clicked on the link? Anything happen?


Dick, N6AA

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