You’ve hit on perhaps the most useful and promising aspect of potential ARES use on the planet. ARES hasn’t embraced high speed message handling generally and remains mired in low speed radiogram traffic handling.

Connecting hospital organizations via HSMM has been demonstrated by a number of organizations, and the LA County (Ca) ARES organization has a MOU to provide this service.

There are several presentations of these capabilities in the Dan Marler Zoom series, which points out a portion of the value in that effort.

More of this, please, with formal gateways into a new NTS.


On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 11:39 AM Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <> wrote:

One thing I forgot to include on my status (and it’s there now) is referencing a project growing from this presentation from Erik about the applications and infrastructure his groups have built using Mesh networking.  Their applications answer the question: we’re connected on Mesh – now what?


One of the features is that they have determined a mobile Mesh infrastructure is critical to what they do.  He and I had a 90 minute Zoom call going through this presentation and brainstorming.


His biggest feature is also his biggest nightmare: they are turning portable light tower trailers into portable generator/tower servers and in some cases, where they pull the engine out, a portable tower with rack mounted servers inside the trailer.  The are small, relatively light, are road portable and air portable!  We even brainstormed on ways to do what he’s doing with smaller lighter kits that could fit on a Cessna Caravan (for example).  The nightmare is the engine.  They are very difficult to restore.  They need a resource who can jump into any engine and make it work!


I sent him a list of YouTuber’s I know who specialize in restoring old vehicles – and it’s all about the engines.  The primary guy, Kevin who runs a channel called Junkyard Digs, is interested in participating in the project and creating cross-over content between his channel and us.  This could be a very cool way to get middle America teens and twenty-somethings interested in crossing over into EmComm with their wrench skills!  Kevin by the way is a young veteran and serves in the Iowa National Guard.


Stay tuned…


From: Erik Westgard <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 12:02 PM
To: CEO Mailbox <>
Subject: Twin Cities Marathon /Mesh /Tower Trailer Fleet


Congratulations on your appointment.  I manage probably the largest Amateur Radio Medical Command Center we have (>100 hams) at our annual event.  The command trucks are all hams here. 


We built a mobile mesh tower fleet and have some ideas on databases, dashboards and moving us from standing around waiting for the cell phones to break to a more direct public service model.  I have been pestering Paul Gilbert and Rick Palm on this also.   I recently held a meeting with the Cajun Navy Relief folks.   Do you have time on your calendar- say an hour to discuss this? 


Erik Westgard, NY9D

Coordinator, Medical Communications
Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon


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