Thanks for noticing, Frank! Dave K1ZZ -----Original Message----- From: Frank Fallon [mailto:n2ff@optonline.net] Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 3:37 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:15534] Congratulations to Staff for a GREAT Job on the June 2007 QST..... And I love that BUG! You have to give him a name. I feel I have to give a big pat on the back for the June 2007 QST. It is a superlative issue. The Field Day tear out is a great idea and so is that bug. Please thank the individual or team responsible for those two creations. I do not want to see that bug go away, please. Let's continue to use him. In fact I think he needs a name. How about a name contest? In a normally issue I find a few things I really like, but this one is just is just check full of gems hidden away; including the article on page 64, "The KA3IXF Apartment Dwellers Antenna," and the section abbreviation list for FD on page 96. It's a real up issue for Field Day and hopefully it will all bring ARRL additional new members. Two great hits in one month - June QST and membership over 150k. Way to go, team! Congrats and 73 de Frank...N2FF.....