The HF Band Plan Committee, chaired by VP Frahm, is tasked with formulating a band plan for 60 meters that accommodates the new and existing emission type privileges announced in the FCC's Report & Order. The band plan will be presented to the Board for approval. The ARRL is also committed to development of a best practices document for 60 meters. After you have read the R&O, Board members are invited to submit your suggestions on both the band plan and the best practices document. Please send your input to Bruce, who will relay it to the committee reflector. At my request the members of the ECAC will also be invited to provide input to the HF Band Plan Committee. This is not a formal study tasked to the ECAC per se (tasking them is the PSC's prerogative, not mine) but rather an opportunity for the ECAC members to express their individual views. Because emergency communications capability is the justification for our having access to this spectrum in the first place, I would like the experts whom you have appointed to the ECAC to know that their input is welcome. A misunderstanding that's been circulating among hams is that the new 60 meter rules take effect 30 days after the release of the R&O. It's 30 days after publication in the Federal Register, which is not the same thing, and we don't know when that will happen. I hope this misunderstanding can be cleared up before it gets anyone in trouble. 73 - Kay N3KN