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Vol. 34, No. 32

August 10, 2011  --  Covers the period August 1-6.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Executive Committee:

October 1 @ 8:30am – Dulles, VA

United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)

October 3-7 – ARRL HQ

Section Managers’ Workshop

October 21-23 – ARRL HQ

Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections

November 18 ARRL HQ

Media & Public Relations

Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP

Work continues on the main D.I.Y. video scheduled for release in September and also on a suite of five 30 second radio and TV PSAs plus one 15 second one.  The listing of PR-101 graduates on the web has been updated to add the newest people and the WRTC video was added to the Now Hear This page for others to see.  The McGan Award plaque has been forwarded to Dir. Sarratt and an excellent (and large) article appeared in Urgent Communications Magazine by Jay Jacobsmeyer, KD0OFB.  The launch of ARISSat-1 resulted in several articles in NASA and space related web publications, but little coverage outside of the immediate community.


Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH

Lauren Clarke of Wethersfield CT has accepted the position of Individual Giving Manager in the Development Officer.  Lauren will join the staff on August 29 and concentrate on the operations of the Development Office from budgeting to fund campaigns and the Diamond Club.  Her years of fund raising experience include tenure a The Northeast Utilities Foundation, The Harriet Beecher Stow House, The Greater Hartford Arts Council, The United Way of the Capital Area (Hartford CT) and Trinity College.

The mail campaign for the Education & Technology Program has reached $28,992 toward the goal of $65,000.

Development will welcome the Second Century Campaign Committee to HQ on Thursday, August 11 to being their work to raise funds for the ARRL Endowment.


Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE

Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for August 4, 2011.

Sales and Marketing

Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R

The large summer-themed publication mailing continues to reach mailboxes, producing orders received by mail, phone and on-line.

An EmComm- and public service-themed publication solicitation has been prepared, for emailing later this month.  The timing coincides with September QST’s attention on the same.

We collaborated with Sue Fagan to design covers for the upcoming editions of The ARRL Handbook and The ARRL Antenna Book. Both books will be introduced in September, and begin shipping in October.

The large survey to support planning for a digital edition of QST will close next week.

A new activity is being organized for the ARRL Tour Guide Program—suggested by some of the volunteers.  Soon, our volunteers will begin taking photos of guests touring HQ—with an interest in sharing the photos as “souvenirs” of the visits.  We may also use the photos to populate a Facebook photo album of HQ visitors.

The ARRL YouTube channel, “ARRLHQ,” which was created in June 2009, has seen a recent upswing in activity.  There have been over 30,350 video views this year.  The most populated age range of viewers falls between ages 45-54 (the second and third highest groups are 55-64 and 35-44 respectively), and viewers are 96% male.

Amy, Diane and Bob participated in a meeting organized by Katie Glass, and including members of the IT staff, involving planning for handling member access to a future digital edition of QST.

Amy and Bob participated in a meeting organized by Barry Shelley, investigating telephone software resources that provide reporting features for call volume, wait or hold times, and other metrics and live telephone status information.

Membership & Volunteer Programs

Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N

Field Organization/Public Service Team

One radio amateur from Wisconsin has completed the requirements to become an Official Observer this past week.  ARRL Headquarters received Official Observer notes and documentation regarding interference that has been occurring on a California repeater.  This was forwarded to the FCC.

Official Observers Coordinators and Official Observers in Illinois and Southern New Jersey have their attention on some ongoing repeater interference cases.  Also, a summary regarding the recent CODAR investigation was prepared for the ARRL Web’s News Page.  Chuck Skolaut conducted the 9 AM code practice this past Friday and assisted a visitor at W1AW.

Leona Adams and Steve Ewald have continued to provide administrative support to Section Managers and Field Organization appointees.  Meanwhile, monthly Field Organization activity reports for July have begun to arrive during the first week of August.

Sincerely Compiled by,

Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ

Assistant to the CEO

Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations

All Staff               9/5             Holiday

Kathy Allison           9/2-9/9         Vacation

Margie Bourgoin 8/18-8/23       Vacation

Hugh Brower             8/15-8/19       Vacation

Joe Carcia              8/5-8/12        Vacation

    ``                  8/19            Vacation

    ``                  8/26            Vacation

Steve Ford              8/8-8/12        Vacation

     ``                 8/18-8/25       West Virginia State Convention, Weston, WV/Vacation

Scott Gee               9/7-9/9         Vacation

    ``                  9/26-9/30       Vacation

Mike Gruber             8/20-8/27       Vacation

     ``                 9/26-9/30       Vacation

Joel Hallas             8/11-8/16       Vacation

Ed Hare         8/14-8/18       IEEE EMC Symposium/Meeting, Long Beach, CA

     ``                 8/19-8/26       IEEE Regional Meeting/Vacation, San Francisco, CA

Dan Henderson           8/29-9/2        Vacation

     ``                 9/15-9/26       Ten Tec Hamfest, Sevierville, TN/SEDCO/Vacation

Bob Inderbitzen         8/8-8/12        Vacation

Joel Kleinman           8/11            Vacation

     ``                 8/25            Vacation

Greg Kwasowski  8/8-8/12        Vacation

Zack Lau                11/5-11/6       Iowa Section Convention, Davenport, IA

Monique Levesque        8/8-8/12        Vacation

Bill Moore              8/20-8/21       Alabama State Convention, Huntsville, AL

Dave Patton             8/25-8/28       JARL Ham Fair, Tokyo, Japan

Diane Petrilli          8/5-8/12        Vacation

     ``                 8/26-9/2        Vacation

Becky Schoenfeld        8/15-8/20       Vacation

Chuck Skolaut           8/15-8/19       Vacation

     ``                 8/21-8/22       Kansas State Convention, Salina, KS/Vacation

    ``                  8/23            Vacation

    ``                  8/28            W. Pennsylvania Section Convention, New Kensington, PA

Maria Somma             8/9-8/16        Vacation

Dave Sumner             8/11pm-8/22     IARU Reg.1 Conference/AC Meeting, South Africa