Earlier this evening the FCC released its decisions on RF Safety issues.


I have not fully digested all 159 pages.  The title alone may set some kind of record for an FCC decision of this nature: RESOLUTION OF NOTICE OF INQUIRY, SECOND REPORT AND ORDER, NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING, AND MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER

  1. If you are interested in the subject, the full document is here: https://tinyurl.com/qluvcff.
  2. The decision writ large is that the current RF exposure safety limits will remain the same.
  3. For amateur radio, it is as I reported earlier to the EC and reflected in the Oct. EC meeting minutes.  The routine evaluation exemption at 97.13(c)(1) will be deleted when the Order takes effect – probably a couple of months from now, it depends upon the date of publication in the Federal Register.  (Exemptions for many other services similarly were deleted –this was not aimed at amateur radio in any way. It is a broad-based policy decision driven by all sorts of new RF radiating situations popping up, some of which result in gain antennas being much closer to people than expected in 1996 when the rules were last revised.) 

In the future, amateurs will be subject to the general RF Safety rules based upon the (more generous) occupational/controlled limits. Addressing all the services losing their special exemptions, the Commission states that generally if an RF source was “categorically excluded” from routine evaluation under the old rules, it will most likely still be exempt from routine evaluation under the general rules.    

With regard to amateur radio in particular, the FCC noted the continued availability and applicability of its 1997 publication OET Bulletin 65 Supplement B (available here: https://tinyurl.com/yarokme2) and Ed Hare’s ARRL book RF Exposure and You.

This would be an opportune time for the ARRL staff to quickly come up with a concise explanation of the rules and simple ways to comply to allay concerns that members may have when they hear about this.  Maybe Ed’s book already has that and can be leveraged?

73, Dave K3ZJ



David R. Siddall

Managing Partner


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